Equity (and equality) – equity is giving people different resources according to their need. For example, not everybody in a hospital should be given the same treatment – they should be given the treatment that is most appropriate for them. Equality is everybody having the same outcome, so in our hospital example we would want everybody to be equally healthy after their treatment.
Diversity – diversity is a way of describing the differences in a group of people. A group with individuals from different genders, races, religions and lived experience is a diverse group. An individual cannot be ‘diverse’, because they only have one set of experiences etc. – their own.
Inclusion – inclusion is the active process of making everybody feel like they are valued and they belong.
Anti-racism – anti-racism is the active process of working to dismantle and fight against racism and racist structures.
Neurodiversity – neurodiversity is a way of describing the different ways our brains work. Within a given group, some people may be neurotypical (the world has been built to fit the way their brains work) and some people may be neurodivergent (their brains work in different ways from how society ‘expects’ them to). This may include autistic people or people with ADHD, but there are many other types of neurodivergence. An individual cannot be ‘neurodiverse’, as they only have one brain.
Gender – gender is different from sex – it doesn’t have anything to do with our bodies and instead describes the social, cultural and behavioural ideas of being a man, woman, or other gender identity.
Trans (transgender) – transgender refers to anybody whose sex doesn’t align with their gender. The opposite of transgender is cisgender, and this refers to people whose sex and gender do align (for example if you are a man who was born male, or a woman who was born female).
Non-binary – a non-binary person is somebody whose gender identity doesn’t align completely with either ‘man’ or ‘woman’. This can mean different things for different people: for some people it means their identity changes over time, for some it means they identify with multiple genders, and some people prefer not to use gender labels at all.
Gender non-conforming – somebody might describe themselves as gender non-conforming if they don’t align with the expectations of being a cisgender man or woman.