Community Wellbeing

Community Focused, Community Based

We run a range of projects that support community wellbeing:

Our Community Teams are based in venues across Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside every week. Drop in and speak to one of our team about:
  • Local volunteering
  • Funding for your ideas
  • Making connections in the community
  • Support for your community group
  • Community wellbeing


hands holdings signs which read strengthening VCFSE, Social change and social justice
Community Activities Directory

Our Community Activities Directory has details of hundreds of activities and social groups taking place every week in Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside.

Healthwatch Oldham and Healthwatch Tameside

Healthwatch Oldham and Healthwatch Tameside are the health and social care consumer champions, supporting people to access the health and care support they need, to understand how health and care services are working for people and support people to make an NHS complaint when things haven't gone well. 

Hand holding iPhone with images coming out
Oldham Social Prescribing

Connecting you to community groups, activities and organisations that could support you to improve your health, wellbeing and social connections. 

Miles of Smiles

Our Tameside community transport scheme that helps people get to appointments that support their Wellbeing.