Volunteer Voices 2024, Meet Action Together

And last but not least, another story of Employer Supported Volunteering, or Corporate Volunteering, where the employees of an organisation take time to volunteer during work hours, or organise volunteer activities.

Meet our Action Together Volunteering team from Oldham who, earlier this year, took Good to Grow Week as an opportunity to volunteer their time to help support the Alexandra Park Hub. The Hub is a food-growing hub, community allotment, and is part of the Get Oldham Growing programme. It’s a resource for green fingered enthusiasts who want to learn more about growing healthy food.

Our Oldham Volunteering team met with Hannah Williams who gave them a tour around the Hub and shared with them how the Hub operates, and the many benefits it provides to the community, such as; providing volunteer opportunities, donating vegetables to local food banks, encouraging involvement from the community, and educating young students.

Following the tour, the team got stuck in and spent the morning removing weeds from the onion beds, in order for them to grow and be harvested in a few weeks.

Josie, Volunteering Development Coordinator at Action Together, said;

"Our team had a great time learning more about the Hub's projects and having the opportunity to do some volunteering ourselves! It was so rewarding to meet some of the volunteers who had been supported by our team, and to see first-hand how much they enjoy their volunteering roles."