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Age UK has a Board of Trustees to monitor Age UK's strategic objectives. The CEO works closely with the Trustees to carry out the day-to-day running of Age UK.
If you are passionate about…
Creating Green & fruitful places around our two parish churches.
Please Note @: The Gardening Project will stop between November and March due to inclement weather
A friendly drop-In Session which is open to all. We offer a befriending service to anyone who feels they would benefit from coming along and having a chat and a cuppa. You can also choose to get…
Adults in scouting have many supporting roles, some roles are from 1 to 2 hours every 2 months and other roles can be many more depending on how much time you wish to give. There is a huge variety of…
Adults in scouting have many supporting roles, some roles are from 1 to 2 hours every 2 months and other roles can be many more depending on how much time you wish to give. There is a huge variety of…
Adults in scouting have many supporting roles, some roles are from 1 to 2 hours every 2 months and other roles can be many more depending on how much time you wish to give. There is a huge variety of…