

Cost of Living Crisis Greater Manchester Funding Programme 2024-2025

Aims/priorities: Provided by the Eric Wright Charitable Trust, this funding will support the existing activities of medium-sized VCSE organisations in Greater Manchester. We want to help sustain organisations that support vulnerable communities of people that are struggling to cope with the worst of the cost of living crisis.

To be eligible, applicant organisations must:

Voicescape Community Fund

Aims/priorities: The Voicescape Community Fund welcomes applications from grassroots community groups based in any of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester. The Fund will focus on projects which support those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis, as well as projects that provide education and skills development.

Auto Trader Community Fund

Aims/priorities: The Auto Trader Community Fund aims to encourage and support grassroots community organisations. This means small, community-based and locally controlled groups that manage themselves, encourage people to get involved as volunteers and who just need a bit of financial help to be able to work with their community in the way they’d like.

Weaver's Company Benevolent Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended for registered charities working in the current priority areas:

Supporting offenders and ex-offenders into work, specifically for those looking to build skills and capability to get into sustainable work.

Helping specific groups within the criminal justice sector that are less popular with funders than others.

7stars Foundation

Aims/priorities: The foundation makes grants to projects which support young people (16 years and under) who are challenged by abuse or addiction, who are young carers, or who are homeless/without a safe place to call home.

Who can apply? Applications will be considered from organisations who require funding in the areas of:

  • Abuse
  • Addiction
  • Child carers
  • Homelessness

Organisations must have a turnover of under £1.5 million and be supporting young people aged 16 years and under.

National Churches Trust - Large Grants Programme

Aims/priorities: The Large Grants programme (formerly Cornerstone Grants) supports structural repairs and maintenance issues costing more than £100,000 or the installation of kitchen and toilets costing over £30,000.

Who can apply? Places of worship of any Christian denomination and age can apply.

Applications will be considered from listed and unlisted Christian places of worship across the UK.
