

Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund


In Greater Manchester, we want to tackle inequalities in public access to green spaces across the city/region and deliver local nature recovery, as set out in the Greater Manchester 5-year Environment Plan. The Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund will help Greater Manchester to become greener, fairer and more prosperous, by giving small grants to communities in greatest need to create or enhance green space.

The fund is focused on three principles: 

ABF The Soldiers' Charity – Grants to Organisations


ABF The Soldier’s Charity provide grants to charities and organisations that provide lifetime support to soldiers, veterans and their immediate families when they are in need.

The funding is intended to support charities and organisations with projects and activities that directly benefit the Army community in six key areas: independent living, elderly care, education and employability, mental fitness, families and housing.

Who can apply:

The Linnean Society – Our Local Nature Grants


The scheme provides grants to support innovative projects, designed and led by young people in the UK, which aim to increase access to local natural spaces and encourage a deeper appreciation and understanding of nature.

Funding is intended for projects which affect change or empower local young people and the surrounding communities to increase access to natural spaces and improve understanding of the local biodiversity.

Examples of eligible projects are as follows:

KFC Youth Foundation Community Grants Programme


The KFC Youth Foundation (formerly known as KFC Foundation) provides grants to support grassroots organisations in the communities where KFC’s restaurants are located. The Foundation works with organisations who are empowering young people in the UK to fulfil their potential by providing safe social spaces, mentoring or work, and social skills.

The Foundation aims to fund work that helps young people create firm foundations, by addressing their needs through early intervention.

DHSC Suicide Prevention Grant Fund 2023-2025

Aims/priorities: The funding is for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations providing suicide prevention services, activities or interventions that are free of charge to their service users in England only.

Applicants must meet the strategic objectives of the fund which are to support:

Non-profit organisations to configure their suicide prevention services and activities to better meet the increased demand seen in recent years.

Thomas Pocklington Trust

Aims/priorities: The aim of the grants is to support new and innovative projects that achieve that support the delivery of positive outcomes for blind and partially sighted people in at least one of the priority areas of education, employment, engagement.

Who can apply? Registered charities based in the UK can apply as long as they have six months or less running costs in unrestricted reserves.

Grant amount: Most grants will be for £10,000 or less, although in exceptional cases, a larger amount may be awarded.

Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme

Aims/priorities: The scheme is part of the Government's Hate Crime Action Plan. The scheme is intended to reduce the risk and impact of hate crime at places of worship and associated faith community centres. Funding is available for protective security measures to places of worship that have been subject to, or are vulnerable to a hate crime attack.

Hate crimes are any crimes motivated by hostility on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity. This scheme is focusing on religion.

Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund


The purpose of the fund is to inspire community action across Greater Manchester that:

  • promotes inclusion for LGBTQ+ people and communities.


  • raises awareness of HIV.

We will fund any costs associated with the delivery of a project that improves the experience of LGBTQ+ people, promotes inclusion and awareness of LGBTQ+ people, communities and the issues that impact their lives or raises awareness and educates around HIV. The types of things that we will fund include:
