

Marsh Awards 2023

Aims/priorities: The Marsh Awards recognises community-led groups who come together for peer support both face-to-face and online, in England and Wales.

Peerfest are working with the Marsh Charitable Trust to reward 10 outstanding community-led groups across 5 categories:

  • Overcoming Barriers and Small Groups,
  • Creativity,
  • Sustaining Ourselves,
  • In Connection, and Young People.

Who can apply? Community-Led Groups

Grant amount: Awarding £1000 to 10 groups

Theatre Improvement Scheme

Aims/priorities: The scheme supports charitable theatre operators in the UK to carry out capital projects to improve their theatre buildings. Projects must fall within a specific theme each year.

The theme for the next three years - 2021, 2022 and 2023 - is Improving Environmental Sustainability.

Who can apply? To be eligible, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Screwfix Foundation


The funding is intended for both national and local charities across the UK so that they can fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities specifically for those in need (by reason of financial hardship, sickness, disability or other disadvantage or distress) in the UK.

The funding is for projects which improve a physical building (or land attached to it) that is used by people in need.

The funding is to be used for the following types of projects:

Action Together are awarded Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA)

Published date: 
Wednesday, 26th July 2023

We did it! Following months of hard work from our Volunteering Team, and colleague support from the wider Action Together team we are delighted to have achieved Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA). This is a re-accreditation of the award for us in Oldham and Tameside, but this is the first time we have been recognised for our work in Rochdale too.

Community Organisations cost of living fund

Aims/priorities: This funding is for organisations that support people and communities under severe pressure because of the increased cost of living.

By community they mean people living in the same local area.

Their main priority is to fund organisations supporting low-income households and individuals.

To apply your organisation must already run critical services around at least one of the following:

HMRC Grant Funding 2024-2027

Aims/priorities: HMRC has £5.5 million of funding for 2024 to 2027 to allocate to voluntary and community sector organisations to help them provide support to HMRC customers who need extra help understanding and complying with their tax obligations and claiming their entitlements, including those who are digitally excluded.

HMRC is looking for voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to help customers to form or rebuild a relationship with HMRC that enables them to engage directly with HMRC in the future.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Force for Change Programme

Aims/priorities: The programme offers grants to registered charities and community interest companies with substantial recent experience of supporting Armed Forces communities. The funding aims to support community projects that reduce isolation and promote integration.

This year (2023), the programme will support ideas that need small amounts of funding to deliver changes or improvements for Armed Forces communities, particularly for those who are experiencing particular needs due to cost-of-living challenges.
