

Youth Futures Foundation – Evidence into Action

Aims/priorities: The aim of this programme is to:

  • Improve knowledge mobilisation across the youth employment sector.
  • Support practitioners, employers, funders, and commissioners in understanding and enacting evidence-informed change in how they do things.
  • Provide an opportunity for delivery organisations to explore and implement what the Foundation’s  Youth Employment toolkit says about on-the-job and off-the-job training to enable young people to thrive. 

Who can apply? To apply, groups must:

NW Hearts Charity Grants

Aims/priorities: This fund aims to support a wide variety of projects and activities that improve outcomes for people with heart disease around Greater Manchester and reduce its impact on lives beyond current NHS provision.

Who can apply? Groups delivering projects and activities to support people with heart disease around Greater Manchester can apply.

The following projects will likely be given greater priority:

National Lottery Heritage Fund: Strategic Initiatives – Heritage in Need: Places of Worship

Aims/priorities: This fund aims to address the following challenges facing places of worship:

  • The repair needs of listed buildings, particularly those in more rural areas.
  • Workforce and volunteer capability to manage heritage.
  • Supporting heritage in places of worship that are currently inaccessible, at risk, or under-used, to maximise their full potential.

The fund will support strategic projects at a regional or national level that will:

Stobart Sustainability Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support community-led sustainability projects and initiatives by non-profit organisations, community groups and educational facilities. The Stobart Sustainability Fund aims to help these groups transform their local communities by tackling climate change, reducing carbon emissions or protecting and enhancing the environment.

Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from community groups, educational facilities or small businesses.

Service Women: Seen and Heard Programme

Aims/priorities: The funding is for projects that help towards enabling serving women to make informed choices and improve their access to services that enhance their wellbeing. 

The project should look to address the needs of Service women affected by a range of issues which are particular to (or exacerbated by) serving in the Armed Forces, as well as issues where support may be less readily accessible than it is for women in civilian life.

Projects need to meet one of the following outcomes:

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust – Hidden Voices Programme

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to enable and deliver accessible mental health and wellbeing support for those with seldom heard needs in Armed Forces communities, with a focus on prevention and early intervention - through collaborative projects between Armed Forces organisations and non-Armed Forces specialist organisations.

The funding should benefit current serving Armed Forces personnel, Reservists (including RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary), Veterans, and their families, whose needs are seldom heard.
