

Digital Inclusion Capability Grant Round One - Fix The Digital Divide - 2024 to 2025

Aims/priorities: The Capability Grant, part of the Fix The Digital Divide Fund 2024-2025, is for organisations who have some experience delivering digital inclusion support already. 

This grant provides an opportunity to further develop your organisation’s capacity to deliver digital inclusion support and ultimately help more people to either gain digital skills or access free mobile data.

Previous successful applicants have used the Capability Grant to: 

Wolfson Foundation

Aims/priorities: The main objective of the Foundation is the funding of capital infrastructure in the following areas:

  • Science and medicine.
  • Arts and humanities.
  • Heritage.
  • Education.
  • Health and disability.

Who can apply? Applications are accepted from organisations and educational establishments in the UK which are registered charities or which have charitable status.

The Foundation accepts applications from the following types of organisation:

Theatre Improvement Scheme

Aims/priorities: The scheme supports charitable theatre operators in the UK to carry out capital projects to improve their theatre buildings. Projects must fall within a specific theme each year.

The current theme for the fund is Improving Environmental Sustainability as this is an urgent priority for the sector.

Who can apply? To be eligible, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Rochdale Borough - System Leadership Programme


Leaders, which includes those who do and don’t manage others, provide direction and vision, motivate and inspire others, and help create an environment conducive to success by promoting communication and collaboration. In the context of a complex multi-organisational system, which aims to maintain and improve wellbeing while reducing inequalities and shifting towards more preventative models, leadership is essential.

Hilden Charitable Fund

Aims/priorities: Hilden provides funding to organisations which demonstrate charitable purposes and awards grants to projects both in the UK and in specific developing countries (Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda).

In the UK, most funding goes to registered charities. Overseas projects will either work with a UK charity or show relevant legal status.

United Utilities Trust Fund - Organisational Grant Programme

Aims/priorities: The object of the Trust is the relief of poverty, hardship or other distress by assisting people in need who are unable to meet the cost of water charges.

This is achieved by providing grants:

  • Directly to individuals (further information is available by calling 0300 7906172).
  • To organisations to fund money advice/financial literacy projects that encourage financial stability and promote competent money management.

Who can apply? To be eligible, organisations must be:

Jerwood Foundation

Aims/priorities: This fund aims to support organisations with a focus on making art available for public benefit and emerging talent in the arts throughout the UK.

Who can apply? Groups working to make art available for public benefit can apply.

Groups must provide a copy of their organisation's latest audited accounts (smaller charities should instead provide their annual budget with income and expenditure details).

Grant amount: Up to £2 million is awarded each year.

Poundland Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Foundation aims to transform communities and change lives across the UK by making grants to charities and grass-roots community organisations.

The current grant programme is Kits 4 Kids with grants available for local kids’ sports clubs/organisations or teams to buy new kit.

Who can apply? Grants are available for local charities, community interest companies and unregistered community organisations across the UK who are working with children and young people under the age of 18 years.
