Family Befriending Support Volunteer

Home-Start is a family support charity, supporting parents to give their children the best start in life. Our staff and volunteer support families with young children who may be experiencing challenges such as isolation, financial difficulty or physical or mental health issues. We support any family who needs us, as long as they have at least one child under five. There is no ‘typical’ Home-Start family - our families reflect the diverse communities we serve. We have varied opportunities within volunteering, for example:
Start date: 4th July 2024
End date: 4th July 2029
When can volunteers volunteer? Weekly

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation. E.G Monday morning.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Tasks the volunteer will be required to do:

You could support a family with 2-5 yr olds as they develop their speech & language, gain independence and explore learning & play.
You might be interested in supporting a new parent with parenting confidence and building a positive bond with their baby. We have extra training available around attachment and parent-infant mental health if you would like to focus on these aspects of parenting.
As a volunteer, we value your parenting experience and empathy, and our families say this is what sets Home-Start support apart - the knowledge that their volunteer is on their side and is there to support them to do the best they can for their children.
We'll take your wishes and skills into account when we match you with a family, and we hope that both you and the family you support will benefit from the experience! You'll gain skills and experience, be able to access a wide variety of training, meet other volunteers and have full support from a volunteer coordinator throughout you volunteering


Safeguarding basic level

Areas of Interest: Children, Families
What activities will the volunteer do? Lending a helping hand, Mentoring, Providing advice
Skills gained in this role: Reasoning, Talking to others, Teamwork
DBS Check Required: Yes

About the host organisation

Hosted by: Home-Start Oldham, Stockport & Tameside
Organisation Profile: We are a local, independent charity operating in Oldham, Stockport & Tameside - one of 269 Home-Start schemes operating in the UK. At the heart of each Home-Start’s work are our home-visiting volunteers. Volunteers help families with young children deal with the challenges they face by providing regular one-to-one emotional and practical support tailored to each family. A child’s early family life is vitally important in their development, and has a strong influence on their future life chances. Children who are raised in a stable, loving, family environment are more likely to have a positive and healthy future. Home-Start works because our volunteers are parents. They understand how hard it can be. They work alongside parents, in their own homes, to help them learn to cope with the stresses and strains of life and make sure they have the skills, confidence and strength they need to nurture their children. We also support families in groups, hold day trips and Christmas parties and help them to access local services, as well as lots of other support.
Charity number: 1135838