Aims/priorities: The Community Wellbeing Alliance aims to bring together people who live in Tameside with people who deliver services here. It will act as a central point for people to learn from each other. We will develop and share a simple message to champion the role people have in their own health and wellbeing. The priorities of the grant are:
1) Engage local people in ‘Community Conversations’ about their wellbeing through activities, using creative and safe ways to engage with people so we can share what we know is out there to support their wellbeing with people that may not have seen it. This can include, but is not limited to:
- Projects that bring local partners together to engage creatively with residents and each other
- Use existing relationships with people to support them to take control of their health and wellbeing
- Encourage people to increase their knowledge and understanding of how to improve wellbeing for themselves, their families, and their friends
2) Help vulnerable people and communities through the Covid-19 pandemic, supporting people affected by the crisis and using approaches which tackle the new and emerging barriers arising from the impact of coronavirus.
Who can apply? Groups and organisations from the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector who are registered members of Action Together. If you are not a member, click here to register (it's free).
Grant amount: Up to £1,000
Application process: You will need to complete a stage 1 online application form in the first instance. Once this has been completed and the necessary checks have been carried out by the Community Development team, you will receive a stage 2 application form. Please read the Community Wellbeing microgrants guidance notes before making an application. Please note that a Covid-secure Risk Assessment must be submitted alongside your stage 2 application. You can find Risk Assessment templates here.
Deadline: 17 May 2021, 23:59
Contact information: Tel: Roma Hashim on 0161 339 2345 Email: