Rochdale Communities Fund – Micro Grants for up to £1,000


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council Public Health team, Action Together is offering micro grants of up to £1,000 to help the VCFSE sector to support individuals, families and communities in the Rochdale Borough. 

As there are limited funds, we will be prioritising applications from micro and small groups to our micro grants. 

Your project must fall within one or more of the following priorities: 

1. Challenging poverty and driving equality  

  • Support people and communities to get back on their feet and take more control over their lives – i.e. practical support, advice or peer support  
  • Reduce inequalities and help more people reach their potential  
  • Strengthen community voice and action on the things that matter most to them  

2. Promoting health and wellbeing   

  • Enabling people and communities to support their social, mental and physical wellbeing   
  • Challenging health inequalities through working with marginalised groups whose needs are not being met by existing services  
  • Build strong relationships in and across communities  

Who can apply:  

  • you are a voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) group locally rooted or actively working in the borough of Rochdale; and 
  • you have a turnover of less than £25k
  • you are a member of Action Together CIO (you can register for free to become a member here
  • you are formally constituted. If you are still working towards your constitution, we can offer you a micro grant of up to £500. Please click here to find out how to apply for £500. 

Amount: Grants of up to £1,000 are available  

How to apply: 

Guidance notes - please read the guidance notes thoroughly before starting to complete the application form. 

Application form 

Please send your completed application form to:

Deadline: This is a quarterly rolling programme - this grant will be paused when the funding currently available for this quarter has been allocated and will reopen the following quarter. 

Contact Information:  

For more information, please either call 0161 339 2345 and ask for Hayley Tomlinson or please email:  

up to £1000
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Health and Wellbeing