Each year Rochdale Boroughwide Housing make grants of up to £5000 available to local groups for the benefit of our communities. We are currently able to award grants that enable the delivery of the following objectives:
- Work and Skills - help people to access employment opportunities and update their skills
- Digital Inclusion - help people access and use digital technology
- Financial Inclusion - help people to manage their money and make it go further
- Health and Wellbeing - help increase peoples’ health and wellbeing
- Lessening social isolation - for example, a parent and tots club, a luncheon club for older people, or a gardening club
- Providing activities for children and young people - these could include sport or homework clubs.
- Improving or developing a green space in your neighbourhood
- Promoting mutuality across neighbourhoods - projects that bring different neighbourhoods and communities together in line with our mutual values
Who can apply?
- You must be an unincorporated association (community group), registered charity or CIC/CIO (Community Interest Company or Organisation) with a turnover of less than £150,000 in the previous financial year
- Have a bank account open in the name of the group
- Ensure your group is not already running an RBH community fund project - we will only fund one project at a time with your group
- Agree to provide monitoring information on your project as requested by us
- Keep up to date financial records and retain receipts for all goods and services purchased with the grant if you are successful
- Ensure monitoring information for any previous RBH community grant has been completed and submitted to us - you won’t be able to apply to our community fund again until this is completed
Your project must:
- Deliver its funded activities entirely within the borough of Rochdale
- Clearly explain in your application how your project will benefit RBH households and neighbourhoods
- Be completed within 2 years from the receipt of your grant
- Meet any current government guidelines around Covid-19
- Not have already started
Grant amount:
RBH Community grants are between £250 up to a maximum of £5000.
Application process:
To find out more about this funding and how to apply, please visit the RBH website by clicking here.
The next closing date for applications is on Monday 18th September at 5pm and the panel will meet on Wednesday 4th October.
Contact information:
If you need support with your project idea or help with completing the grant application, please contact RBH’s Community Investment team on 01706 273977 or email us on