Poverty Truth Commission Socials

Posted: 24 February 2021

As part of the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission work, Greater Manchester Poverty Action are hosting a weekly get together for those who are experiencing poverty. The Commission is looking for people who might be interested in becoming grassroot commissioners and share their stories and experiences of living in poverty. 

The group meet every Wednesday on Zoom from 11am – 12pm.

Beatrice and Lizzie provide a space that is welcoming, friendly and respectful, where people can have a cuppa and a chat and talk about their experiences. 

There may be support available if you have digital barriers that prevent you from being involved (access to I.T., wifi etc). 

For more information and to access the Zoom link to join the meeting please contact: 

Lizzie - Email: lizziebassford@googlemail.com; Phone: 07898710537

Beatrice - Email: beatrice@gmpovertyaction.org

For more information about what a Poverty Truth Commission is, please click here.