Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust - Sustainable Future Programme

Aims/priorities: The overall focus of the Sustainable Future Programme is on developing and promoting sustainable, low-carbon alternatives to the current consumerist and growth-based paradigm.

Who can apply? Grants are made to a range of organisations. It is not necessary to be a registered charity to apply to the Trust, however, the Trust can only support work which is legally charitable as defined in UK law.

Organisations and individuals should be undertaking work at a national level. This means work that seeks to make positive change across the UK as a whole, or across one or more of its member countries - England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

In addition for this round, the Trust is focusing on work:

  • From groups and organisations who struggle to obtain funding elsewhere (for example, only one core funder, or no core funding)
  • From those who are actively building power amongst communities- From those with a solid understanding of the causes of the climate and/or economic crises
  • From those with a track record of community organising around climate, economics, or environment
  • From groups and organisations who effectively connect the intersecting harms of climate breakdown, racial injustice, economic inequality, and the legacies of colonialism
  • Which considers the needs and wellbeing of staff, volunteers, and other participants
  • For which there is has a demonstrable need
  • Where it is clearly explained why they are the right organisation or group to carry out this project.

Grant amount: No minimum or maximum amount of grant is specified.

Application process: After reading the guidelines, applicants are advised to contact the Trust office by email or telephone to discuss their application. This should be done well before the deadline for applications.

The Trust only accepts applications online via its grants management system available on the Trust's website.

Groups who have not registered on the JRCT grants management system need to do so by 17 February 2025 in order to submit an application for the current round.

Deadline: Monday 3 March 2025 (12pm)

Contact information: Email:

Website: JRCT - Home