Greater Manchester High Sheriff’s Police Trust


This fund aims to support projects and activities that align with the objectives of the Trust: 

  • Improve the quality of life of all communities in the Greater Manchester area, with vulnerable groups and victims of crime being priorities.
  • Support wide-ranging initiatives that address issues of crime reduction concerning the public and affecting the quality of their lives.
  • Support community and race-related initiatives including those which assist vulnerable groups with special and distinct needs, as identified through local consultation.
  • Seek to support and complement initiatives arising from locally agreed Crime and Disorder crime reduction strategies, and support initiatives that arise from local consultation identifying concerns outside these strategies.

Who can apply:

Not-for-profit groups and organisation across Greater Manchester can apply.

Grant amount:

There are two levels of funding available:

  • Grants up to £500.
  • Grants of between £501 and £5,000. 

Application process:

There are four funding rounds per year.

Applications can be submitted between the following times only: 

  • 1 December to 20 December for February meetings. 
  • 1 March to 31 March for May meetings. 
  • 1 June to 30 June for August meetings. 
  • 1 September to 30 September for November meetings. 

Applications will be notified of any decisions made after the following Trustee meeting. 

Guidance notes and the application forms are available from the Greater Manchester High Sheriff Police Trust website

Contact information:
