Grants Awarded - Action Together COVID-19 Community Response Fund

Posted: 20 April 2020

Updated 7 July 2020

Projects funded in Oldham      Projects funded in Rochdale      Projects funded in Tameside 

At Action Together we recognise community action is taking place across the boroughs of Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside & Glossop, and we want to encourage and support this action. 

We have launched a Community Response Fund that is available for Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside & Glossop groups from the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector working on a COVID-19 Community Response. To find out more visit our Action Together COVID-19 Community Response Fund page.

Our fund connects local community action and helps to co-ordinate efforts in response to the needs of residents. It funds good neighbour, mutual aid and social action projects that directly help people affected by the effects of the virus. Our fund is designed to support the community, voluntary, faith and social enterprise sector to respond with new ideas that help, connect or support people through this crisis.

Action Together COVID-19 Community Response Fund has only supported projects that are working to government safety guidance up to £1,000. 

Click here to donate to Oldham's emergency community response to the coronavirus.

Click here to donate to Rochdale's emergency community response to the coronavirus.

Click here to donate to Tameside's emergency community response to the coronavirus.

Projects funded in Oldham


Amount Awarded


Carry on Delph


Supplies of food and other essentials for the foodbank including printing of leaflets and posters for distribution within Delph. The foodbank is located in The White Lion, Delph.

Chadderton Boxing Club £900 To support the local response in providing meals to families including fuel to make deliveries, protective clothing, hand sanitiser, telephone calls and the wear and tear of the vehicles. 
Europia £200 Online support around benefits, additional language support and more.
Failsworth Care £200

Restock items and help to contniue to providing food drops which is taking the pressure off the central foodbank.

Firwood and District Residents Association (FADRA) £1,000

Fuel, transport costs and telephone call to support FADRA volunteers to shop for vulnerable residents.

Fullcircle NW CIC £929.42

To create 100 activity packs which will be distributed to local families within the areas that Fullcircle deliver weekly Junior Youth Clubs in (Chadderton North, Chadderton South and Sholver and Moorside).

Greenacres Community Association £1,000

Greenacres Community Centre and Oldham Play Action Group are working together to respond to requests to support people self isolating including elderly residents, isolated families with young children and residents with other vulnerabilities, coming in from the crisis hubs.

Home-Start Oldham, Stockport & Tameside £1,000

The staff team is working tirelessly to ensure that no family is left without food, essentials such as nappies as well as activity packs for the children. The grant will be used to fund staff time, mileage and expenses such as increased mobile useage.

Inspiring Futures Partnership CIC (Inspire Women Oldham) £1,000 To support of women and their families by developing and maintaining a closed Facebook group ‘Inspired Magic’ for peer support, buy kit and data bundles for women who are now isolated, facilitate online connection, develop and deliver Facebook Live and connecting sessions and develop and deliver web-based coaching sessions, both group and 1:1.
Oldham Boxing and Personal Development Centre £937.50

The continuation and scaling up of meals on wheels service will provide access to nutritious warm meals for those affected by the COVID-19 crisis, particularly the homeless and young people on free school meals vulnerable/elderly people in Oldham.

Oldham Greenhill Community Sports and Recreation Club £950

To recruit a member of staff to contact and support people from the community who are struggling due to COVID-19 isolation.

Oldham Helping Hands £200

Delivering food parcels 7 days a week, on average to at least 8 people per day.  

Oldham Makers Limited £1,000

Creating safety visors for medical staff and frontline workers in response to COVID-19

Outta Skool £990

To design and create 200 units of the StayIn StayActive game. Each game will consist of 25 activity playing cards.

Pennine Mencap £1,000

Providing food parcels, toiletries, household goods and support by paying electricity/gas meter cards etc for disabled adults who are isolating at home for 12 weeks. This will also include providing telephone, text and online welfare checks, as well as physical checks where needed.

Saheli Women's Group Oldham £992

Enabling a team of volunteers to collect shopping, prescriptions or complete other errands and be available on the phone for a chat. The team will put together a number of isolation kits to include hand washes, sanitiser, toilet rolls and other items that are hard to locate.

Spoons £780.99

Working with the neonatal unit and NHS colleagues to provide iPads that can be used to facilitate interaction between the family and the NHS staff caring for their baby. Particularly when the family are self-isolating. 

Support and Action for Women's Network -SAWN £1,000

To purchase a phone for a helpline and a Zoom package to remain in touch with the group online by providing the service Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

Team Hill Charitable Trust £950

Working with Oldham Council to shop and pick up prescriptions for the older people and vulnerable within the borough, helping people to attend hospital appointments as the usual transport is not available, calling people who are self isolating and picking up food donations for the foodbank.

The Flowhesion Foundation £1,000 A bi-lingual experienced call handler (who has a degree in psychology) will provide over the phone support, comfort and be a link between the women, their families, loved ones if need be. During the period of isolation.
Tough Cookies Ed CIC £550

To be able to support young people during this crisis by creating a number of self-care kits for young people. 

WIFI North West (Wellbeing improvement fitness initiative)  £1,000

Working in partnership with Oldham Play Action Group as part of the Social Action Fund and are currently switching part of its delivery from cooking courses to cooking meals for other organisations within the Social Action Fund Community of Practice. For example provision of a hot, nutritious meal for 25 to support Street Angels ongoing provision. The offer is extended to other partner groups within this group.

MyColdhurst  £1,000

To put in place a distribution network of food and essential items that will be delivered to many older people and vulnerable members of the community who are likely to be in the most deprived category with regards national and local statistics.

Unity School Support for African Families £1,000

To continue supporting parents and children with their education during lockdown. Majority of its parents are asylum seekers and refuges and English is not their first language so it is difficult for them to help their children with their homework at this time.

Age UK Oldham £1,000

To expand to work at new premises and to expand its catering capacity including to buy additional equipment to keep food at the correct temperature in order to be able to work safely with the increasing number of orders it is receiving. 

Fortnightly Family Fun Friday £1,000

To provide sport sessions, movie and board game nights.

Oldham Athletic Community Trust £1,000

Food for Thought project - providing free fresh fruit and vegetable boxes to those aged 70 and above, in Oldham. Working with Oldham Council and Action Together to ensure this initiative compliments, rather than duplicates any current available service.

POINT £1,000

To invest in equipment for two staff, who do not remote work, to access the equipment they need to maintain delivery of services which provide vital support to families of children and young people with SEND. To create bi-weekly virtual meetings to support the Autism Girls Group and weekly parent carer support meetings / helpline calls.

Relax With Lucy & Co CIC £300

To provide a workshop specifically for pregnant ladies.

Starling £1,000

An online wellbeing support service for 25 of our most vulnerable and isolated young people. The service will include 10 online wellbeing workshops delivered over Zoom/Facebook Live which can be attended by participants whilst they are isolating. It will also include the provision of wellbeing boxes that will contain a range of arts and crafts materials that the young people can use to get involved with the workshops and continue to use at home.

UK Education & Faith Foundation £1,000

Since COVID-19 UKEFF has changed its strategy and opened up a helpline to deliver food, advice and cash top-ups for utility bills for the people who are vulnerable and needy in our society.

10th NE Manchester (Holy Family) Guides £200

Paper, printing, craft, certificates, other materials and Girlguiding resources for new members and badges.

Greengate Trust £1,000

The staff team are working tirelessly to ensure that no family is left without food, essentials such as nappies as well as activity packs for the children. It is currently supporting 18 families in Oldham and 31 are awaiting their initial visit. This would have normally been a home visit but it is now arranging these over the phone to ensure it is reaching those vulnerable families. The grant will fund staff time, mileage and expenses such as increased mobile useage.

Oldham Community Radio 99.7fm £1,000

To contribute to the production and broadcast costs to enable the use of the power of radio to reach local residents with vital health and wellbeing information. This will support both the Public Health England ‘Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives’ campaign and local information such as Oldham Council and local health service campaigns. 

Ghazali Trust £1,000

To set-up a dedicated phone line to help support people with the critical advice to help them manage through the COVID-19 crisis. 

Men Behaving Dadly £99797

To create weekly craft/boredom busters/challenges bags for the dads/male carers and children, this will enhance our weekly zoom sessions.

Salvation Army - Eden Project - Fitton Hill £1,000

To help the mental health of residents of Fitton Hill by keeping in contact with people from all over the community with activity packs, competitions and little life hacks to help them with any issues they may have.

Dr Kershaw's Hospice £875.30

To recruit more nurses in the following weeks to come and to provide each of them with the much needed PPE equipment to keep them safe.

Oasis Hub Oldham £1,000

Once a week, a team of staff members and volunteers use the local school facilities to cook a hundred portions of a fresh, healthy meals which are then delivered to the most needy families within our local area (whilst following social distancing and all food hygiene and Covid-19 preparation guidelines).

Oldham Play Action Group £1,000

Oldham Play Action Group has been working effectively with Greenacres Community Centre over the past six weeks to address requests and referrals coming in from the East Oldham crisis hub responding to needs of people self isolating, including elderly residents, isolated families with young children, residents with other vulnerabilities. The group has been dropping of food items, cleaning products and baby items and collecting prescriptions.

Reel Education Empowering Lives £999

To allow Connected Parents to access telephone call support and attend an online group delivered via Zoom / Facebook live, providing a Connected Parents Pack including health and wellbeing links for new parents and Baby Connect Club Kit. This will be used with the online sessions and enable the group to support the health and wellbeing of both parent and child

The Period Poverty Project £1,000

To purchase a large number of menstrual products, to distribute to the increasing number of individuals who unfortunately do not have access to them during this time.  

Making Space £1,000

To help people with dementia and their carers stay connected to loved ones and keep receiving vital support from Making Space services. Purchasing tablets and sim cards will help a number of the people who do not have the technology to take part in the online Making Space services.

Failsworth Brownies £130

To continue to provide online activities. 

Failsworth Rainbows £200

Paper, printing, some postage, craft and other materials, certificates, Girlguiding resources for new members and badges to continue providing activities over August and until the group can meet again.

NEON £999.79

To purchase 10 x computer tablets to reconnect with regular users who have been unable to use the centre due to lockdown. It will target three main groups - its men’s group, its knit & chat, and its Wednesday cooking group.

Radio Cavell £995

To fund additional IT support and the associated licencing costs at a time when its major fundraising events have had to be postponed and or cancelled due to the restrictions. This will enable it to take telephone and email messages and convert them to audio files for broadcasting using email and internet software.

St Barnabas Church, Clarksfield, and the Barnabas Community Project £200

The cost of photocopying and paper, envelopes, and stamps to send detailed transcript of a Church service to each member.

Werneth and Freehold Community Development Project £1,000

Two trained multilingual workers will support people via telephone calls and Whatsapp and do follow up work to support families and individuals in crisis.

Diane's Bee Chat Project £119.90

Running free online video bee chat sessions twice a week. People take part and learn about beekeeping.

St Thomas Church Moorside £200

The church began by sending greetings and information to 40 people. It is now in contact by post with almost 70 people including members of the congregation, and others who attend the various social activities that take place in the church hall. The fund will buy postage stamps, envelopes, paper, printing inks and greetings cards.

Dovestone Women's Institute £650

Fuel costs during shopping and prescription collection and delivery for clients referred to Dovestone WI by Oldham Council / Place Team East.

Depaul UK £1,000

To deliver wellbeing workshops to groups of people or for those who find this challenging and on an individual basis. 

Catherine Florence £200

Deliver relax kids sessions for children to ease the transition back to school.

Planet Mercy £1,000

Provide food parcels to 80 families on its service user list. Purchase a phone to take calls from victims of domestic violence and those suffering during to self-isolation. 

St Thomas Young Ladies Enterprise £200

To make the space available as safe as possible for groups and their members. To ensure that the space is as clean, hygienic and as risk free as possible. This means the purchase of many more cleaning products, hand gel/sanitiser/soap paper towels and personal protective equipment (masks/gloves) etc than usual. 

Projected funded in Rochdale


Amount Awarded


Awakening Minds


To continue to supply food parcels, shopping for people who are self-isolating, posting letters and receiving and offering comfort calls.

Bowlee Community Association £1,000

Delivering afternoon tea packages to vulnerable people and provide online information and activities through Facebook and Twitter pages including daily updates.

Castlemere Community Centre  £1,000

Providing food for the NHS staff at the Rochdale Infirmary on the weekends. The organisation has been providing food for 40 staff, every weekend, at the Rochdale Infirmary as the canteen is temporarily shut on the weekends.

Central Mosque Rochdale  £1,000

To procure adequate PPE supplies and safety kits.

Darnhill Festival Association £977

Working in partnership with Link4Life and Cartwheel Arts, to support the creation and distribution of 125 emergency art packs to disadvantaged families on the Darnhill estate, Heywood.

Demesne Community Centre  £1,000

To produce online community centre content such as exercise classes, arts and crafts, advice and informational videos on how to use technology. The group will set up a YouTube channel to keep all the videos together, were they can be easily viewed and sharing them on its Facebook page.

Europia £1,000

To support the increase in enquires for welfare advice, how to claim sick pay and COVID-19 issues, the organisation will be rolling out the Europia Emergency Fund to Rochdale.

Hare Hill House, Littleborough £528

To provide continuing contact, support and signposting to a community that is vulnerable and approximately half of whom do not use the internet or social media. The project will encourage them to keep physically and mentally active in the home by providing a range of activities using both online and offline communications.

Hebron Church £602.52 The church will use Chalker's Fresh Produce in Rochdale home delivery service to eliminate extra visits to the supermarket and buy bulk meat from Costco and store in the church’s freezer. 
Middleton Popstars Academy of Performing Arts Ltd £1,000

Making phone calls to people in isolation. 

Milnrow and Newhey Resident Watch £200

To purchase health and safety items for volunteers to use when helping the community with collection and delivery of essential items while self-isolating.

SVP Heywood Foodbank £1,000

Food parcels will be distributed to registered families twice a week.

The Sanctuary Trust £1,000

To cover volunteer expenses to support the local community.

Vintage Worx Community Development Trust £1,000 To set everyone up on Zoom and hold online craft sessions, virtual afternoon teas and general meet ups every week so they can chat with each other, take part in activities and hopefully feel a little less lonely.
WHAG Community Enterprise UP CIC £600 To provide two half-day health and wellbeing sessions via Zoom for frontline workers.
Crescent Community Radio  £1,000

To support the volunteers who set up a dedicated coronavirus support helpline in Urdu, supporting vulnerable people in the community by connecting volunteers to help out, as well as creating short summaries of the latest guidance in the Urdu language.

ECHOES OF HOPE (EOH) £983.90 To support bilingual volunteers service with fuel, transport costs and remote telephone calls for vulnerable residents including pregnant women.
Home-Start Rochdale Borough £680 To share an activity and wellbeing support package with families, to help lift their mood and encourage them to join in fun and creative activities together. 
MASAKHANE £970 To operate 24/7 online chat service, confidential telephone helpline and email counselling service over 16 weeks.
Rochdale Hornets Sporting Foundation £700 To offer more exciting activity and engagement with its social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and website to help its more vulnerable community members to see the community, wheelchair team, women’s team, fan base and anyone interested in Rochdale Hornets.
The Veterans Food Co CIC £1,000 To hire a professional kitchen, get and cook great fresh food and deliver it to veterans and their families who are shielding, social distancing and isolating or who are vulnerable.
HMR Circle £1,000 To purchase health and safety items for volunteers to use when helping the community with collection and delivery of essential items while self-isolating.
Geddit £538 To provide two half day health and wellbeing sessions via Zoom for frontline workers.
Bridging Communities  £981.99

To produce art and crafts videos for children and their parents to work together to make the same item to improve their mental health. They send in the pictures to be displayed on the website. 

Caring and Sharing Charity Organisation £1,000 To contribute to the travel costs for volunteers to support people who cannot do it themselves and to pay a subscription for Zoom.
Rochdale Oldham and District Samaritans £1,000

To support volunteers and keep them safe during the pandemic by undertaking enhanced cleaning, particularly of shared areas of the branch and making sure volunteers travel expenses are covered. All volunteers come from the local area.

Rochdale and District Mind £755.20 To provide an online space for individuals to ‘socialise’ during social distancing restrictions to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing including an online social café, giving opportunity to talk to one another and to see one another and this would be facilitated by a wellbeing coordinator. 
Rochdale Connections Trust £1,000 Support to pay for weekly ingredients to make a meal. The group include recipe guidelines and put a short video on its Facebook page to show how to make the meal. 
CommuniTea CIC £1,000

To help create a support network online and start up a group video chat using Zoom/WhatsApp or skype call once a day to minimise feeling alone might help with our cohort of service users. The group will also arrange an online chatter and natter with friends and family or with community members as well as developing coping strategies and home exercises. 

Deaf Rhinos £200 To support the delivery of the parcels, DBS checks etc. and purchase protective equipment and other requirements. Volunteers will provide support through the phone and messaging and organise online meetings for deaf members through Zoom.
LGBT Foundation £500 To support the helpline provision during this time of crisis and increased demand. This is often the main gateway into its wider provisions, which includes; 1-to-1 counselling and talking therapies, substance abuse support; 1-to-1 domestic abuse casework including safety planning, practical advice and emotional support; online activities and workshops; digital support groups; trans advocacy services; and more. 
Kirkholt Pantry £1,000

To help purchase the extra food in the coming weeks, to meet the demand. The £3 it charges is redistributed to sustain food for people, but also into buying into Fareshare & local supermarkets when Fareshare cannot provide basic household items such as bread, tea, coffee, sugar etc.

Smallbridge Pantry £1,000

To help purchase the extra food in the coming weeks, to meet the demand. The £3 it charges is redistributed to sustain food for people, but also into buying into Fareshare & local supermarkets when Fareshare cannot provide basic household items such as bread, tea, coffee, sugar etc.

Wardleworth Community Centre Association £992 As many of the muslim client will also be observing the month of Ramadan, the centre would like to provide 100 food packs in the Wardleworth area so that they can break the fast.
Lamet Habayeb Association  £1,000 To support its service users by using the funding to purchase, a mobile phone, that we can use to keep in touch with them, and provide them with food parcels that suits their needs to prepare traditional food and sweets for their children during Ramadan. 
Rochdale Dawah Centre £200

To provide basic packs with fun and engaging activities with stationary (pens, pencils, rubbers etc). Each pack is going to cost £8 with the equipment and printing. 

Creative Health and Wellbeing and CIC Company £1,000

To design and print 200 Rochdale themed painting books based on views of Rochdale. The books will be printed on paper that can be used with watercolours. The books would be distributed in the first instance to residents living in independent living schemes in Rochdale – RBH are supporting this project. 

Youth Connections £900

To provide a small gift (including pens, sweets, toys) to children of vulnerable families.

Burnside Centre £129.99

Working with Fare Share and Food For Life to provide the people of Langley with a local food delivery service and to purchase a chest freezer to support the project.

The Flowhesion Foundation £500

To employ two sessional qualified tutors in English and Maths to continue to support the 18 young people to complete homework and continue to benefit from booster sessions during the COVID-19 unprecedented crisis. 

The Lighthouse Project £999

To open the foodbank/pantry for a third day each week and to purchase a new refrigerator to store the extra fresh food it is receiving. This will maximise storage and ensure it reaches the recipients in a fresh condition.

Kirkholt Community Church £1,000

To support families that need more computer space as they have more than one child at home and one or more of the parents/carers are needing to work from home using the internet. To buy refurbished ipads to also be used for its projects after lockdown is lifted and people need to get back out into the community.

Jamboree Arts £1,000

To create a series of craft packs containing mosaic kits to make place mats and/or coasters. These would include a set of instructions and, for those who are online, a link to a video showing people how to use the kits. 

Kashmir Youth Project £1,000

To obtain and share food parcels containing items which are culturally appropriate and suitable for BAME communities (without excluding others) and for those that have specific dietary needs such as diabetes. The funds will be used to supplement items that are donated and package them up safely and in accordance with health and safety guidelines. 

The Friends of Hopwood Park £461

The group has been offering a voluntary home baked delivery service from the Tree House Community Cafe at Hopwood Park, this service is primarily aimed at isolated and vulnerable individuals and families. The grant we be used to purchase a new oven.

Rochdale and District Disability Action Group Ltd £997.60

To provide radios for disabled people who are lonely and isolated. It has members who, as a result of COVID-19, are having to spend time on their own, even people who don’t live alone but who are shielding may have to be in a separate room to the rest of their household and don’t have access to a TV or radio.

Sheltered Housing in Partnership (SHiP) £1,000

With the help of volunteers from Rochdale Borough Housing (RBH) to boost morale and wellbeing by delivering boxed afternoon teas to 200 individual RBH sheltered residents across the Borough.

5th Middleton East Brownies £200

Post activities to the girls who are part of the Brownies group as some don’t have access to the internet. The grant will help to purchase a printer cartridges, paper and postage.

Falinge Community Group £900

To support its children and activities during the pandemic. Funding for refreshments, quiz games etc, arts & craft etc. It has been carrying out online sessions with its children and families, using zoom. The sessions keep them connected to a number of families on Falinge and Wardleworth. 

Army of Kindness  £1,000

For food, ingredients to manage food delivery and to connect via zoom with its volunteers. Funding for cooking, deliveries of food parcels, shop collection, online purchasing, to comply with safety, stationery for printing posters leaflets etc.

Projects funded in Tameside


Amount Awarded


Being There Tameside and Glossop  £537

Operating a telephone support service, run by staff and volunteers to enable befriending relationships with vulnerable clients in isolation. Staff also pro-actively contact all clients to check on their wellbeing and to ensure they have the resources they need such as food, prescriptions and medicine. Staff refer to and provide contact details of local hubs to ensure that no-one is left without resources. It is also mailing information sheets and newsletters to clients who don’t have access to IT equipment or internet.

Hope for Paediatric Epilepsy £604

Delivering basic traditional board games/arts and craft packs to Hope families to enjoy together and share through a private network of social media. This will get families talking and having fun together and trying to have a little bit of peace and sanctuary. This will reduce the feeling of social isolation for both the children, siblings and their parents/carers as it will all be sharing what it isdoing daily/weekly.  The charity will share what’s going well and gain ideas and support from each other.

Lindley Educational Trust £1,000

A young persons ‘help line’ where young people can ring a familiar youth worker for a chat. This has been used on a number of occasions.

Zoom youth club meeting facilitated by youth workers, have a nice chat and discuss COVID-19 worries / ideas for the future.

Detached Youthwork in partnership with the local police.

Children and young people are still mixing in groups and tend not to have great relationships with the police. All its youth workers are local people who are locally well known. They are talking to young people and helping them understand why the social distancing is in place and stressing that they are putting themselves, their families and the wider community at risk. Many of these young people live in homes with their grandparents and several siblings.

St Peter's Church in the Parish of the Good Shephard £200

To provide a news and support service by mail, alongside volunteers keeping in touch with people in their homes. This will include passing on appropriate information from groups such as Action Together and things congregation members want – bible readings, prayers and reflections, etc.

The Anthony Seddon Fund £1,000

The charity started by using its own resources. The fund will help the charity to continue the following actions:

Collecting surplus supplies of food from Fareshare, Tesco and Marks & Spencers and widen the collections to include Aldi and Morrisons.

Sharing fresh produce with chefs from Cracking Good Food to enable the provision of freshly cooked meals and reduce food waste.

Sharing provisions with other community support projects including ABEN, Infinity Initiatives, New Life Foodbank, Tameside Childrens Service, St Christopher's emergency distribution centre.

Delivering fresh supplies, toiletries and other essentials to people who are vulnerable and/or in isolation.

Delivering freshly cooked meals to those with less capacity to cook for themselves eg people with mental health issues, people who live alone, people who are unwell and older people.

The Shed £1,000

To help shedders stay safe and healthy during social distancing and self-isolation by at least weekly contact, mainly by telephone and deliveries, to support their health and wellbeing. Contact at least weekly to identify and meet their support needs through conversations, material resources (books, jigsaws, advice, shopping, etc.), printing paper-based guidance for cooking/recipes, exercise, mindfulness, avoiding boredom, etc.

St George’s Church £200

Keeping in touch with people by sending letters, magazines and information in the post, particularly focused on those who do not have access to the internet and who are feeling left out of a lot of current communications.

West African Development £1,000 WAD volunteers will deliver essential food packs door to door to the refugee and asylum seeking communities who are already living below poverty lines, as well as provide transport facilities for those who are able to afford their own food shopping.
Emmaus Mossley £1,000

To take care of their 26 formally homeless companions and will provide three meals a day, toiletries and other basic necessities to those in need.

Dipak Dristi £950

Provide an essential lifeline of support and information and will refer members to the Tameside central number if they are in any food crisis, and will refer people to the Indian Community Centre if they would benefit from a hot meal delivered to them. They will also liaise with their extended family members to ensure that essential shopping/prescriptions are delivered. In addition to this, they will distribute home activity packs to their members to help combat mental wellbeing issues around self-isolation.

Pcrefurb £1,000

The group will provide residential homes, nursing homes, hospitals and local hospices with iPads so they can stay in touch with their families/friends and the outside world to reduce social isolation. 

Pennine Mencap £600

The group will provide three types of support for adults with learning disabilities/autism:

Provide food, toiletries, household goods and topping up utility cards

Carry out welfare checks via telephone, online and text

Provide remote activities and online platforms to bring isolated 

Ashton United in the Community £1,000

Smallshaw-Hurst Community Action Group have come together to ensure that the Smallshaw and Hurst community get the help and support that they need and their voices, needs and experience are heard. The funds will be used to provide family activity packs for the residents of Smallshaw and Hurst.

Reach 4 Change £200

The group provides and delivers hot meals and food parcels when the foodbanks aren’t operating to older people and young families across Hattersley.

Dukinfield Moravian Church £1,000

To provide 40 hampers that includes food, clothes, bedding, toys and personal hygiene products, to make the lives of the most disadvantaged families that have been identified by Family Intervention Workers, that little bit easier during this crisis.

Lifecentre Hattersley £1,000

To set up a telephone line so people can request for assistance such as signposting to services for information, help with shopping or a befriending service. A petty cash float will be available for those who have no means to pay for essentials. A hardship fund will also be available to help with transport to and from medical appointments and support for those who need support to set up Universal Credit accounts.

JK Printing £200

A group of volunteers will make face visors for frontline workers upon request.

Friends of Waterloo £988

To support vulnerable members of the community by providing essential shopping, prescriptions, dog walking, errands, welfare advocacy, undertaking telephone checks/chats and liaising on their behalf (e.g. with utility companies etc) and information sharing.

Glossop Arts Project £655

To help people in the community who have long term mental and physical health conditions, become artistically active whilst confined in their homes. Provide fortnightly packs containing motivational thoughts and sayings as well as stimulating creative ideas accessible within the home.

Tough Cookies  £550

To create a number of self-care kits for young people which can help young people cope during this difficult period. The kits are packages specifically put together for teens which are created to support their resilience and coping skills and include items which can help young people to destress, and will include materials which cover top tips for working on their mental health and basic necessities such as personal hygiene/toiletries.

Helping the Community £200

A group of volunteers are coming together to assist vulnerable and isolated people/families by providing meals and collecting shopping and prescriptions. The community can request assistance via social media.

CRM Designs £200

A group of volunteers will make face visors for frontline workers upon request.

Hyde Youth Project £200

The group provided an Easter Egg drop to youths and their siblings in the household. To boost morale and provide a sense of togetherness for the youngsters who are all isolated from their friends, they will continue to keep in contact and keep the youths engaged on online platforms.

Hyde Little Theatre £1,000

To create 40 welfare packs to deliver safely to the families who are more vulnerable within their membership and the individuals who are aged 70 plus who sadly have no family in the immediate area.

Made by Mortals £1,000

To make six x 30 minute interactive people-powered musical theatre podcasts aimed at children and older people in isolation.

Age UK Tameside


To provide and deliver emergency food packs and other essential items like toiletries and incontinence pads for older people who are self-isolating.

Tameside & Glossop Dementia Friendly Communities


To help people affected by dementia to stay safe and healthy during social distancing and self-isolation. This will be done by at weekly contact, mainly by ‘phone, to support their health and wellbeing and fortnightly updates and newsletters.



Upon noticing an increase in enquires for welfare advice issues, how to claim sick pay and COVID19 related issues, the funds will be carefully offered to the most vulnerable European clients and also through their existing network of community leaders they will signpost individuals and families with multiple vulnerabilities. 

Citizens Advice Tameside


To provide all their staff with suitable equipment to allow them to operate legally, safely and confidentially from home which will enable their organisation to cope with the increase and change in demand from the community.

Shree Bharatiya Mandal


To provide and deliver hot meals to the Indian community across Tameside who are self-isolating and who don’t live close to family members. They will also provide essential good such as food and medical supplies.

Sandwich Angels


The group will continue to buy supplies for food boxes to distribute to struggling families and older people in isolation as demand has increased.



To deliver a creative distance learning project for an unlimited number of people based in the local area. The activity is best suited to families and older people with an interest in arts, crafts and textiles and younger teenagers interested in spending their time creatively, however, the project is open to all. Its resources will only stretch to promote the activity in Dukinfield, Mossley and Stalybridge but with the support from partner networks the project has the potential to reach larger participant numbers across Tameside. 

Home-Start Oldham, Stockport & Tameside


To fund staff time, mileage and expenses such as increased mobile useage to support around 60 vulnerable people in Tameside.

Rough Diamonds


To offer care packages of essentials to those people that may have slipped through the net and have found themselves in a really difficult situation and struggling to survive.

Cracking Good Food


They are working with various cooks in Tameside and Greater Manchester area to provide healthy, nutritional meals for distribution in the community amongst the most vulnerable members such as older people in isolation.

Friends of Tameisde Young Carers


To support 470 young carers in the current climate by gifting the young people activity packs.

St Martin's Church Droylsden


To improve wellbeing and lessen social isolation, the group will mail weekly resources to members of their congregation and the wider community and will post videos and materials online for all in the community to engage with. These resources include practical information provided by partners such as Tameside Council, Action Together, Manchester Diocese and other materials relating to improving people’s wellbeing in a holistic way.

St Andrew's Church, Droylsden


Towards the cost of keeping members of the congregation and others in the community (including those who attend the Place of Welcome which has also been suspended) connected by mailing weekly resources to members of our congregation and posting videos and materials online for all in the community to engage with. These resources include material to enable people to worship at home as  churches are closed as well as practical information provided by partners such as Tameside Council, Action Together, Manchester Diocese. 

Hyde Youth Project


Hyde Youth Project has served over 100 children of the Hyde area for the past 18 months. To do an Easter egg drop to each of the houses where the youth come from and to other siblings in the household. This would encourage them and their families at this difficult time. 

To give a morale boast and a sense of togetherness for the youngsters who are all isolated from their friends. Helping to keep them in contact with the project. We are concerned about the level of mental stress in families at the present and feel this would help with the mental health of the both youngsters and families. We will include in the drop an invite for a quiz night on ZOOM and then follow this up with other ideas.

Curzon Ashton Community Foundation


The group will produce a 12-page art therapy book and 12-page fitness and dietary advice book. These will also be available as PDF’s versions for the most vulnerable in the community. Furthermore, they will include a pack of felt tip pens and a skipping rope to benefit 150 families.

Cascade Baby Bundles CIO



The group will continue to distribute baby toiletries, nappies, new bottles and new socks & underwear for our children 3-10 year olds to those families experiencing hardship. Items are collected and delivered by healthcare professionals.

Tameside Scrubees


Tameside Scrubees is a  recently formed group of 50 volunteers who are making scrub suits and bags for frontline health care staff in the Tameside and Glossop areas, including  GPs and care/nursing home staff. These products are classed as general workware not PPE. The groups recycles clean used fabrics for bags but it requires new fabrics for the scrub suits and are in desperate need of funding for this. 

Active Communities Network


For youth workers to receive adequate online training to improve quality of e-services when using different online platforms helping safeguarding both themselves, their organisations and most importantly the children and young people it serves. The partnership works with a diverse range of children from aged 6 through to young people aged 19 representing a broad range of children and young people across Tameside. By upskilling a partnership of youth work practitioners the funding will help increase its capacity to support children and young people with a safe, secure and quality online offer.

Infinity Initiatives


To purchase equipment and data that will be used to connect individuals and households from the refugee and asylum seekers community to support services and loved ones.

Water Adventure Centre


To deliver a playscheme in the Whitsun week of 25-29 May 2020 which will consist of a paper bag of resources and activities to stimulate and inspire children and young people primarily in the age group 6-10 years.



The group will be supporting 20 of their most vulnerable and isolated young people. The service will include ‘Wellbeing Checks’ and 1-2-1 support for each young person delivered by a Wellbeing Support Worker via phone and video call.

Denton Community College PTA


To create 100 ‘Be Kind’ comfort packs including shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brush, soap, crossword, puzzle, hand made card and piece of hand made jewellery.

Community Cutz CIC


To setup a befrienders service for the people who attend the weekly Community Salon in partnership with and St Martins 'Place of Welcome' session. From the telephone befriending service, it will be able to provide the local people of Droylsden emergency food packs and other essential items for older people like toiletries.

Parish of Mossley


To stay in touch with as many people as possible in its parish, via online, and also via post for those who aren’t able to access things online. The grant will fund printing and postage for these people, many of whom are amongst vulnerable and isolated groups in our community.

WellFit Health and Wellbeing CIC


Inviting parents to help their nursery and primary aged children to write a letter to a named older person local to them with a view to starting a regular correspondence and to include the children’s artwork or small craft pieces.

Syria Relief - Tameside Emergency Covid Response


Providing food and essential supplies to the vulnerable and older, and isolated people. Supplying hot meals and breakfast packs to NHS staff at local hospitals.

7th Ashton Guides


Guiding is running from home. This is via messaging parents/carers activities, badges and challenges which the Guides can do from home. To drop off craft packs in a socially distant and safe manner. 

Generation Pathway 


Offering services to families struggling to cope during these difficult times. Working with older people to inspire young people using a community-based approach ensuring that’s the elders leave a lasting legacy.

Transforming Lives Together


The 'COVID-19' project provideS food to vulnerable people through the churches the group works with. The grant funding will be used to purchase food which will be distributed by volunteers from churches in the Tameside area along with additional support e.g. signposting to other services.

Christ Church, Denton


Sending out cards, prayer resources and letters to keep in touch and also cards and messages to those recently bereaved and resources to those to those unable to attend funeral services due to the current restrictions, and to those who have significant anniversaries at this time.

Hope Community Church


To help relieve the boredom that many are experiencing and also assist where the church sees an immediate financial need for emergency supplies and transport for medical appointments.

King Kombat Systems


Training for children and adults has stopped. The grant will be spent on postage, printing, paper, and envelopes for grading sheets for different belts so people can practice at home and keep up with training and recognition certificates for those that train at home as an incentive to keep exercising and look after their health and wellbeing. Online videos will be created of instruction on how to carryout different techniques when the training sheets are posted. This will be easily accessible for students if they want clearer instruction. 

6th Debdale (St Georges) Rainbows


The Unit Leaders are posting out packs to girls, aged 5 to 14, every few weeks. These consist of printed copies of Girlguiding UK resources that have been adapted to suit lone working, personal challenges, fun crafts, games and activities. Girls also have access to Girlguiding publications and use these to do badge work, many of these having a basis in Community activities. The girls are encouraged to keep their Girlguiding Promise to help the Community and this has been achieved by fundraising for local charities, support for local initiatives and completing eco projects.

Some Leaders are holding weekly Zoom meetings to keep the girls in touch with each other and the Leaders are encouraged to stay connected in the same way. This has really uplifted the girls, their parents and the Leaders. The grant is for all four Units to share extra costs caused by lockdown.

Hewabowa Community Development


To set up Mr ZAC to facilitate local residents with chronic Fibromyalgia and other health related issues to keep exercising online weekly with skilled trainers on Tai Chi, pilates and yoga sessions with a group of active local people and discuss COVID-19 worries / local residents to get clarity points in relation to coronavirus and social guidelines, ensuring consistent messages are communicated. 

St Mary’s (1st Haughton Green) Rainbows


Help to support the proposed plan to buy/rent external activities for Zoom meetings e.g. virtual farm tour. This is in an effort to replace the day trips it would have taken the girls on.