Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage

Aims/priorities: Grants for cultural and heritage organisations in England to make the transition from lockdowns and social distancing to resume business activity and welcome visitors back to the country’s diverse heritage sites starting in April 2021. This round looks forward to the spring and early summer when it is expected that heritage organisations will be able to operate with fewer restrictions. It will support organisations to transition from the challenging months of lockdowns and social distancing to resume business activity and welcome visitors back to the country’s diverse heritage sites.

The funding can be used to support the costs of making the transition towards full reopening. This funding will support organisations to build up their operations and begin a programme of heritage activity in April-June 2021. The funding aims to ensure that by the end of June 2021, organisations will be operating on a viable and sustainable basis.

Applicants will need to consider the most effective route to full reopening and future sustainability for their organisation. This funding is only available for those organisations who need support to return to sustainability, and who have a credible and cost efficient Business Action Plan to do so.

Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from heritage organisations in England that are at risk of no longer trading viably this financial year. This includes:

  • Not for profit organisations that manage heritage sites, venues or attractions
  • Local authorities, universities and other public sector bodies that manage heritage sites, venues or attractions
  • Private owners of heritage sites, venues or attractions that are normally open to the public at least 28 days a year which host public events.
  • For profit businesses that are a vital part of the heritage ecosystem and who generate the largest portion of their income from heritage work. This includes conservators, contractors, specialists and suppliers and cooperatives.
  • Organisations that manage culturally significant assets or collections
  • Organisations that provide significant support to the heritage sector.
  • Faith organisations that manage listed places of worship.
  • Non-accredited museums. (Accredited museums and those working towards accreditation should apply to theCulture Recovery Fund - Grants Programme through Arts Council England.)

Applicants must be properly constituted as an organisation.

Grant amount: Grants of between £10,000 and £3 million are available.

Application process: Guidance notes and all other relevant documents can be found on the National Lottery Heritage Fund website.

Deadline: 26 January 2021 (2pm)

Contact information: Customer Service Team - Tel 020 8132 7290, Email

Website address: Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage: Second Round | The National Lottery Heritage Fund