Services Hosted By Denton Methodist Church
A social activity where you are invited to bring your own lunch and join us in various activities each week, ranging from speakers, quizzes, DIY activities, and crafts. It's a weekly activity…
A weekly social meeting where people can have a chat and do crafts. It takes place in the café and is mostly attended by over 50s but it is open to all ages. Refreshments are provided.
A weekly evening keep fit session for over 50s taking place at the bottom hall attached to the café. Refreshments are available.
Social activity - on the 1st Monday of the month you can come along for a hot lunch. On the other Mondays of the months we serve hot soup and a sandwich. This takes place in the main church hall and…
Activities for pre-school children during term time. Refreshments available for children and adults.
Weekly lunch club where a hot, freshly cooked meal is served to all visitors. The meal is at the church hall.
A coffee morning for everybody. It's a social group so pop in for a chat, a coffee or tea and some biscuits.
A tots group for preschool aged children and their parents/carers. There will be play and toys provided. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided for the parents and carers and the children get a…
Denton Methodist weekley Luncheon Club is a great place to meet new friends, chat to old friends, and enjoy a 3-course meal!