• Zumba class

    Zumba class in Oldham! This activity is for women, but men are also welcome if they like to join a zumba class! It's a fun activity that helps to deal with mental health and improving physical health. It is an evening class, which is a great opportunity for those who work 9am to 5pm.

    Contact for further details: Kana Josee Bizimana
    Contact phone number: 07438113525

    Day: Wednesday
    Time: 7:15 pm
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: £3 - £5

    Professional Referral:
    Self Referral:
    Accessible for disabled people: No
    Accessible for people with language needs: Yes

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: Girls with Pride and Dignity-GPD Foundation
    Organisation Profile:

    GPD is a non profit organisation that aims to support women and girls by bringing them together to share ideas about how they can contribute to the society with ideas of how they can sustain their lives. The organisation operates from both in the UK and international.
    In the UK we mainly focus on:
    -Providing advice to the women on low income about how they can be financially stable (this includes helping looking for jobs or how they can start small businesses).
    -Supporting women and see how they can overcome mental health.
    -Encouraging young girls after they finish school or college to invest their knowledge, skills and talents into business ideas.
    We also raise awareness about period poverty in the UK (we mainly use the existing evidence from the media, news or individual experiences).