Pennines Neighbourhood Network - October
Neighbourhood Networks are a positive space for local, grassroots VCFSE groups to come together to share information and learn about what opportunities are available.
Please join us on Wednesday 23rd October if you are a voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise group in Pennines
We will be at Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club, 1pm - 3pm.
Neighbourhood Networks are a positive space for local, grassroots VCFSE groups to come together to:
• Share stories, successes and upcoming work
• Highlight challenges and issues within communities
• Share ideas and resources for collaborative working
• Hear about the training opportunities and development support that Action Together can provide
For more information please contact or
23rd October, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club
Lake Bank
Rochdale, OL15 0DQ
Lake Bank
Rochdale, OL15 0DQ
Phone: 07719056759
Event terms and conditions