Rochdale Neighbourhood Network - October

 Registration is closed for this event
Neighbourhood Networks are a positive space for local, grassroots VCFSE groups to come together to share information and learn about what opportunities are available.

Please join us on Tuesday 22nd October if you are a voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise group in Rochdale North or South. 

We will be at Deeplish Community Centre, 10am - 12pm. 

Neighbourhood Networks are a positive space for local, grassroots VCFSE groups to come together to:
•    Share stories, successes and upcoming work
•    Highlight challenges and issues within communities
•    Share ideas and resources for collaborative working 
•    Hear about the training opportunities and development support that Action Together can provide

For more information please contact 

22nd October, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
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