

Artemis Charitable Foundation


This fund aims to support UK-registered charities in the UK and internationally in the areas of health, poverty, education, and the environment.

Who can apply?

UK-registered charities operating both in the UK and internationally can apply.

Priority will be given to small-and-medium-sized charities with an income of between £100,000 and £1 million per annum.  

Organisations must have been running for a minimum of three years to apply.

Grant amount: 

Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund April 2023

Aims/priorities: The Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund (2023-24) is a joint Recycle for Greater Manchester (R4GM) and Suez initiative to support Greater Manchester Community and Voluntary sector groups to deliver projects that help to reduce household waste in Greater Manchester.  The fund aims to support projects which prevent, reuse, or recycle household waste, and also reduce contamination, promote sustainable use of waste and resources, and generate wider social benefits for the communities of Greater Manchester.

Road Safety Trust

Aims/priorities: The overall aims of the Road Safety Trust are to reduce death and injury on the UK roads through providing independent funding for research and the development of innovative approaches.

The objectives of the grant programme are to:

  • Generate new knowledge about what works.
  • Translate ideas into new measures.
  • Influence road safety policy and practice.
  • Support partnership working and collaboration.

There are two strands of funding:

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Racial Equity Grants

Aims/priorities: The funding is for organisations who are led by the communities they serve and alongside providing immediate crisis support and working with people over the longer term to help them break free from poverty and achieve their potential.

Who can apply? Registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) and community interest companies (CICs) can apply.

To be eligible, all organisations must:

Hubbub - Community Fridge Food Hub Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to increase the social and environmental impact of community fridges by allowing them to deliver their own activities that will bring local people together and provide access to healthy, affordable and sustainable food.

Who can apply? Constituted voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups may apply.

To be eligible for fuding, applicants must:

The Pixel Fund

Aims/priorities: The fund aims to support improvement in mental health by providing grants to UK registered charities involved in the mental health and wellbeing of children and young adults.

The fund prefers to target its grant-giving to specific projects that will provide a measurable difference to the charities' users.

Who can apply? Applications will only be accepted from registered charities based in the UK. Organisations not on the respective charity register of any of the UK nations cannot be granted to. 

Great Big Green Week – Children and Young People Climate Fund


The Children and Young People Climate Fund is provided and administered by Save the Children in partnership with the Climate Coalition.

This fund aims to support activities and events taking place as part of the Great Big Green Week 2023 that work with and engage young people and children to raise awareness of the impacts of the climate crisis and its effects on children and young people.

Who can apply?

The following can apply:

Energy for Tomorrow

Aims/priorities: Energy for Tomorrow is helping to build more inclusive and sustainable communities through innovation, support and funding.

They’re seeking out projects, initiatives and ideas that can accelerate the energy transition.

Who can apply? UK based charities, CICs, registered community groups, not-for-profit and for-profit companies that can demonstrate both a positive environmental and social impact. You will also need to be a financially sustainable project plan once the funding has come to an end.
