

Armed Forces Day Grant

Aims/priorities: The objective of the fund is to support Armed Forces Day events across the UK to show support for our servicemen and women, past and present.

Who can apply? Local councils, voluntary and community organisations, schools, ex-service organisations and individuals in the UK are eligible to apply.

For the 2023 round, applicants must be able to accept a credit card payment as MOD will no longer be using BACs transfer for the grant payment.

Windrush Justice Programme

Aims/priorities: The funding is for organisations already providing advocacy support to victims of the Windrush Scandal.

For this fund, advocacy support is taken to mean:

Assisting people with applications to the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Supporting applications to the Windrush Scheme (formally the Windrush Taskforce).

Signposting to other organisations offering support (for example, signposting more complicated cases to solicitors providing pro bono support).

Canoe Foundation

Aims/priorities: The funding is for projects that will improve accessibility to waterways and facilities thereby enabling greater use of them. There is particular interest in enabling enhanced participation in paddle sports for all people.

Who can apply? Applications are open to clubs, community groups, Parish Councils, Local Authorities or anyone in the UK with an active interest in improving access to water for recreational users and protecting the environment.

Magic Little Grants Fund

Aims/priorities: The Magic Little Grants Fund provides local charities and community groups the opportunity to access funding to launch or deliver their services.

Who can apply? To access the Magic Little Grants Fund, applicants must:

Be eligible to join Localgiving by

Having charitable aims that are not solely for the advancement of religion.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Fund

Aims/priorities: The EEF’s funding rounds will now focus on particular topics, and projects will be funded within selected themes under these topics.

For the Spring 2023 grant funding round EEF are looking for applications for programmes that have some evidence of promise for this funding round in the three following research priority areas: 

  • Teacher retention and recruitment
  • Education Technology (EdTech)
  • Post-16.

For further details about these themes, please refer to the guidance notes.

Woodward Charitable Trust - Children's Summer Playscheme Grant

Aims/priorities: The funding aims to support small-scale organisations that provide children's summer playschemes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds that run in the summer holidays.

Who can apply? UK registered charities, community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations or exempt charities with an annual turnover of less than £100,000 can apply.

Grant amount: One-off grants of between £500 and £1,000 are available. Around 35 grants are made per year.
