

British Gas Energy Trust

Aims/priorities: British Gas Energy Trust is an independent charitable body set up to support individuals and families who are struggling to pay their bills, regardless of energy provider.

The Trust currently offers two funds:

  • Individuals and Families Fund.
  • British Gas Energy Support Fund.

Both are intended to tackle fuel poverty by clearing the energy debts of struggling households and respond to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Who can apply? 

Individual and Families Fund

Connecting Communities Grants

Aims/priorities: Scope is distributing the grants on behalf of the Charities Aid Foundation CAF Resilience Fund, set up to support individuals and communities hardest hit by the Covid 19 pandemic and managed by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). It has been provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) as part of its Community Match Challenge and matched by the Covid 19 Support Fund created by the insurance and long-term insurance savings industry.

British Science Week - Community Grant Scheme

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended for community-based groups and organisations in the UK to run their own science activities during British Science Week, working directly with people who are traditionally hard-to-reach and currently not engaged in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activity. The aim is to expand the audiences that engage with science and self-identify as having an interest in science.

Baobab Foundation - The Collective Fund

Aims/priorities: Baobab Foundation was created in 2020 with the goal of significantly scaling resourcing to Black and Global Majority communities in the UK, contributing to wealth redistribution, equitable access, solidarity and sustainability.

Funding is intended to grow, sustain and strengthen Black and Global Majority communities that are resisting racial injustice across the country.

National Lottery Community Fund - The People's Projects

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to local not-for-profit groups for projects which engage communities and create strong networks across the UK and have been voted for by the public.

The aim of the scheme is to allow National Lottery players to get a say in how Lottery money is spent while supporting community initiatives all over the UK.

Who can apply? The following types of organisations can apply:

Voluntary or community organisations.

Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust

Aims/priorities: The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust offers funding to UK registered charities whose work takes place in the UK.

The funding is intended to support those in society who face the greatest challenges and whose opportunities are the most limited.

The Trust operates a three-year rotation system, with different fields of interests being funded each year:
