

Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme

Aims/priorities: The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme makes grants towards the VAT incurred in maintenance and repairs to listed buildings that are primarily used for public worship, or which are listed places of worship owned by, or under the authority of, a number of specified organisations that look after redundant places of worship. Only works carried out to repair, maintain or alter the fabric of an existing listed building are eligible. To claim under the scheme, eligible works must be carried out by a VAT registered contractor.

Launch of the FRIS webinar programme

Published date: 
Thursday, 17th February 2022
British Red Cross logo - White background, red cross and black wording

The British Red Cross is delighted to announce the launching of a Family Reunion Integration Service (FRIS) webinar programme in March and we would like to invite you to join them.  

FRIS supports families who have been reunited through refugee family reunion to access key services, central to their integration in the UK. The webinar programme is a culmination of the work carried out by the project over the past three years supporting reunited refugee families across the UK, whilst building an evidence base through research and service delivery.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme - Rochdale Borough


The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme is a government initiative that aims to provide healthy hot food and enriching activities during the school holidays, primarily to children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefits related free school meals. It is funded by the Department for Education (DfE). The aim is for children and young people to socialise, learn and play during the specified holiday periods, enjoy a hot meal and have fun.

Windrush Day Grant Scheme

Aims/priorities: The Windrush Day Grant Scheme is part of the Government's work to create more resilient communities, where different religions, cultures and opinions are celebrated, underpinned by a shared set of values that champion tolerance, freedom and equality of opportunity.

National Garden Scheme - Community Gardens Award

Aims/priorities: The funding is for gardening projects carried out within local communities all over England and Wales. The funding is for the creation of a garden or a similar project (such as an allotment) with horticultural focus for the benefit of the local community. The project should aim to bring a community together by creating a space people can share, by the acquisition and sharing of gardening knowledge and skills and by inspiring a love of gardening.

Funding could cover expenses such as:

Burnside Community Centre receive Quality in Action award

Published date: 
Wednesday, 9th February 2022
Trisha holding the Quality in Action certificate

Burnside Community Centre in Langley have started the year in style, achieving the Quality in Action award. They are only the second organisation in the Rochdale Borough to achieve this quality standard, which assesses practice in governance; safeguarding; safe recruitment; health and safety; equality, diversity and inclusion; financial management and partnership working.

LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund

Aims/priorities: Funding is intended to provide support to LGBT+ organisations which are intersectional in focus, with priority given to work being undertaken with the following under-represented communities:

  • Deaf and/or Disabled LGBT+ people.
  • LBT+ women.
  • LGBT+ people from Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnicities (BAME) and LGBT+ people of colour.
  • Older LGBT+ people.
  • Trans and Non-Binary people.

Who can apply? The following types of organisation based in England may apply:

Masonic Charitable Foundation


  • Reducing isolation in later life.
  • Creating the best start in life for disadvantaged children and young people.
  • Medical research into degenerative disease.
  • Care services in the hospice sector.

Who can apply? Charities registered with the Charity Commission or relevant Central registry of the respective Guernsey, Jersey or Isle of Man’s government can apply as long as their beneficiaries are in England and Wales.
