

National Lottery Awards for All - England

Aims/priorities: The aim of the grants programme is to support communities to thrive by funding projects that:

  • bring people together to build strong relationships in and across communities

  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities

  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage

  • support people, communities and organisations facing more demands and challenges because of the cost-of-living crisis.

National Lottery Community Fund - Reaching Communities

Aims/priorities: The aim of the grants programme is to support communities to thrive by funding projects that:

  • bring people together to build strong relationships in and across communities

  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities

  • help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.

Organisations can apply for funding to:

Rosa’s Stand with Us Fund

Aims/priorities: Funding is intended to support women-led organisations who are helping victims of male violence to recover and rebuild their lives, and working to improve the safety of women in the UK.

Who can apply? To be eligible, organisations must meet all of the following criteria:

Veterans' Foundation

Aims/priorities: The aim of the Foundation is to help charities and other organisations that support serving and former members of the British Armed Forces, and sometimes their dependants, who are in need.

A potential, qualified beneficiary “in need” is one or all of the following:

Barchester Healthcare Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Foundation aims to make a difference to the lives of older people and other adults with a physical, learning or mental disability; supporting practical solutions that lead to increased personal independence, self-sufficiency and dignity.

The aim of this fund is on connecting or re-connecting people with others in their local community. Applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged will receive highest priority.

7stars Foundation

Aims/priorities: The foundation makes grants to projects which support young people (16 years and under) who are challenged by abuse or addiction, who are young carers, or who are homeless/without a safe place to call home.

Project grants to cover the costs of projects which:

Funding for Local Groups to Help With Cost-of-Living Rise and Refugees in the UK

Aims/priorities: The Empowering Local Communities Grant programme is provided and administered by Asda Foundation.

The scheme helps to transform communities and improve lives, plus help those with the rising cost of living rise and to support refugees.

The purpose of the programme is to support projects and activities which are important to a community which benefit local people.

The programme is designed to support projects under four themes:
