ASDA Foundation - U18 Better Starts Grants

Aims/priorities: The U18 Better Starts Grant aims to give children under 18 years old the best start in life by tackling poverty, enabling inclusion and enhancing wellbeing. For Round 2, support for children during the summer is a focus of the award 

and there are four themes for applicants to choose from:

  • Supporting Essentials: to ensure there is no hungry child and basic essentials are provided.
  • Being Active: to enable every child has the opportunity to be active.
  • Improving Wellbeing: activities to support a child's mental health, to encourage creativity.
  • Celebrating and Bringing Children Together: enable under 18s to celebrate within the community.

Who can apply? Not-for-profit community groups in the UK are eligible to apply.

Organisations must have a presence in their local community and must demonstrate how the activity will benefit those under 18 years old.

Groups may apply for one grant per grant programme each year.

Grant amount: From £500 to £1,500 are supported.

Application process: Applications should be submitted at least six weeks before the activity to give enough processing time.

The local Community Champion should be contacted to discuss the grant and to check eligibility. Submission forms are available from the Community Champion.

The following should be submitted with the completed application form:

  • Bank statement/paying in slip.
  • Group documents e.g. constitution, club rules, etc.
  • Digital signature declaration (if not providing a wet signature).
  • Ringfencing confirmation.

If the group is not a registered charity, confirmation of not-for-profit status is required.

Deadline: Friday 19 August 2022.

Contact information: Contact the Asda Foundation for further information.

Website: Foundation Grants | Asda Foundation