

Neighbourly Community Fund

Published date: 
Tuesday, 28th April 2020
funding update

Micro grants  of £400 are available for charities and community groups that are existing members of the “Neighbourly” CSR platform, to support good causes that are helping communities affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

The funding is for activities that support members of the community who are suffering economically, socially or from ill health as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

This may include, but is not limited to:

Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund

Published date: 
Tuesday, 28th April 2020

The Resilience & Recovery Loan Fund (RRLF) is a new fund for social enterprises and charities who are experiencing disruption to their normal business model as a result of COVID-19. It has been established to make an existing government scheme (the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme) more easily accessible to charities and social enterprises. The RRLF is being run by Social Investment Business (SIB) with an initial £25m investment and support from Big Society Capital. 

The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) Grants

Published date: 
Tuesday, 28th April 2020
funding update

The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) is administering a small fund to support user-led organisations (ULOs) and smaller, unconstituted community groups in England, who might not otherwise be eligible for a grant. Grants of up to £1000 will be available to support community action, peer support, mutual aid and other activities that will make a direct difference to the lives of people living with mental ill-health, trauma and distress during this Covid-19 period.
This fund will open by the end of April.

National Lottery Coronavirus Funding

Published date: 
Tuesday, 12th May 2020
funding update

Aims/priorities: The £200 million Coronavirus Community Support Fund is part of the Government’s £750 million financial support package for charities and social enterprises during announced on 8 April 2020.

The £200 million Support Fund is being administered by the National Lottery Community Fund along with National Lottery funding to support not-for-profit organisations so that they can continue to deliver services to people and communities in England that are affected by COVID-19.

The Fund has two key objectives:

Ernest Hecht Charitable Foundation

Published date: 
Tuesday, 28th April 2020
funding update

The Ernest Hecht Charitable Foundation is continuing to accept applications for funding from:

  • UK registered charities who are struggling to survive funding crises during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • UK registered charities who are seeking funding for future projects/activities.

The funding is to be used for work that addresses the Foundation's objectives and activities which are:

The Fore - RAFT Fund

Published date: 
Thursday, 23rd April 2020
funding update

RAFT Fund opened for the first tranche of applications on Wednesday 22 April 2020. The application cap was reached on Friday 24 April and we regret that no more applications can be accepted until the next £1m of funding has been raised. 

Answer Cancer Fund

Published date: 
Thursday, 23rd April 2020

Would your organisation like to help play a part in boosting cancer screening rates in Greater Manchester?
Financial support is available to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations who can help recruit Answer Cancer Champions to promote cancer screening amongst under-represented groups. 

The Priority Groups

For this round of funding Answer Cancer is prioritising the following groups that have been identified with low levels of cancer screening:

Waitrose Community Support Fund

Published date: 
Wednesday, 22nd April 2020

A £1m Community Support Fund will be available to communities across the UK to help those in need in their local communities. Teams in each shop will work together with their communities to choose the best way to use the fund. Help could include setting up additional local delivery services to support the self-isolating, the vulnerable, the elderly and those looking after them; delivering boxes of staples to local care homes and community groups, and donating products to create care packages for customers to share with vulnerable neighbours. Applications can be made in-store.

The Antonio Carluccio Foundation

Published date: 
Tuesday, 21st April 2020
funding update

The Antonio Carluccio Foundation was established in 2017 by the famous Italian cookery writer, cook and food expert with the principle of ‘Training to Feed, feeding For Life’. The funding is intended to support hospitality related training and development, to promote a better understanding of food origins and nutrition and to make direct support available for organisations working to feed those in need.

UK registered charities can apply.

To be eligible, applicants need to have up-to-date policies covering the following areas:

Morrisons Foundation - COVID-19 Homeless Support Fund

Published date: 
Thursday, 16th April 2020
funding update

The Morrisons Foundation Trustees is making £500,000 available through the Homeless Support Fund to support charities caring for the homeless during the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak and ensure help gets to those who need it most.

The funding is for homeless people who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 because they are more likely to have underlying health conditions and are less able to access basic sanitation. For those who are sleeping rough or are in a crowded night shelter, it is impossible to self-isolate and maintain social distance.

Applicants should:
