

GM Walking Grants - Medium

Published date: 
Tuesday, 10th November 2020

Aims/priorities:  GMCVO are managing the grants process which is funded by Greater Manchester Moving (with money from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership).  The grants will be awarded to ideas to get more people in Greater Manchester walking while adhering to government social distancing restrictions.  

All activities must encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they walk regularly whilst adhering to government social distancing guidelines​.

They must also address one or more of the following:

The Albert Hunt Trust

Published date: 
Monday, 11th May 2020

Aims/priorities: The trust supports organisations that:

  • Provide hospice care
  • Provide support for the homeless
  • Promote health and wellbeing – areas of support under this heading have included physical and learning disability, physical and mental health and social challenge and deprivation. They look to support organisations in this category with an annual income of below £250,000.

During this unprecedented crisis until further notice they will not be considering grants for capital projects of any nature. 

Clinks Covid-19 Response Grants

Published date: 
Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Aims/priorities: The COVID-19 Response Grants scheme is administered by Clinks on behalf of Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and the Ministry of Justice. The funding is intended to support voluntary organisations who have had to reduce service provision or are adapting their services to deliver vital support to people in the criminal justice system due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. The funding is to be used for activities and resources which help organisations deliver support to people in the criminal justice system during the crisis.


Published date: 
Monday, 11th May 2020

Aims/priorities: We support organisations who help people who are lonely and isolated, by giving free free TVs, tablets, and radios for clients. This technology is often used in communal spaces or as part of specific projects. For people who are lonely, a simple radio, television, or tablet can feel like a lifeline and we help people who have become lonely through lots of different circumstances. Some of these include:

Persimmon Community Champions

Published date: 
Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Aims/priorities: Persimmon Community Champions is here to fund good causes across the UK and have supported thousands of community groups and charities over the years, but from 1st April for the foreseeable future, they want to focus on organisations that support the over-70s – a vulnerable group in society that Persimmon Community Champions feel need their support at this time.

Who can apply? Community groups and charities

Grant amount: Grants of up to £1,000 are available 

Youth Futures Foundation

Published date: 
Monday, 11th May 2020
funding update

The grants programme is designed to find, fund, support and evaluate promising practice. Funding will go to organisations working with young people aged 14-24 to help overcome barriers to finding meaningful work. The Foundation is looking for approaches that can be tested, evaluated and, where proven to be effective, expanded to more young people. 

Not-for-profit voluntary or community-sector organisations, or statutory organisations applying individually or as a lead organisation on behalf of a partnership or consortia, which:

Families in Rochdale Borough Invited to ‘Get Creative Inside!’

Published date: 
Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Cartwheel Arts are beginning the process of distributing ‘Get Creative Inside!’, an activity pack for families in Rochdale borough produced by the charity in partnership with Link4Life.

Funding has come from Action Together, Rochdale Council Public Health department, Rochdale Boroughwide Housing, Darnhill Festival Association and from Cartwheel and Link4Life. Arts organisations in the borough including M6 Theatre and Skylight Circus Arts have also contributed content.
