

Windrush Community Fund

Aims/priorities: The Windrush Community Fund is provided by the Home Office and administered on its behalf by Voice4Change England.

The funding is intended to support the Fund’s objectives which are to:

  • Increase awareness and visibility of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), Windrush Compensation Scheme, or both and the support available
  • Reach more communities and individuals who may have been affected by their inability to prove their lawful status in the UK

In addition, the Community Fund also seeks to:

National Lottery Community Fund - Partnerships

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to voluntary and community organisations in England which work together with a shared set of goals and values to help their community thrive. The aim of the programme is to encourage organisations to work in partnership to help their communities thrive by focusing on the bigger picture, rather than just what their organisation can do on its own. “Communities” can be people living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences.

The funding can support different types of partnership, including:

Alec Dickson Trust

Aims/priorities: The Alec Dickson Trust supports individuals and groups of young people who are able to demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society. The funding is intended to enable socially concerned young people to run projects that will benefit communities in the UK and make a positive difference to the lives of disadvantaged people.  The current call for applications comes in response to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

Radcliffe Trust

Aims/priorities: Funding is available for UK registered charities working in the areas of music, especially chamber music, composition and music education, or in heritage and crafts. The Trust makes grants principally in two sectors: Music and Heritage & Crafts.

Music Grants

Get Fishing Fund - Angling Trust

Aims/priorities: Grants to support angling clubs, fisheries, charities, schools and local authorities in England to deliver angling events and activities that will get more people into fishing and retain them within the sport. Following a period of lockdown in England, due to the coronavirus outbreak, an increase in the popularity of angling was observed, with nearly a million people buying or renewing a fishing licence since the spring.

Feminist Review Trust

Aims/priorities: The Feminist Review Trust has a small amount of funding that it offers to individuals and not-for-profit organisations for projects that transform the lives of women in the UK and internationally. 

The Trust will fund the following:

COVID-19 Winter Support Grants

Aims/priorities: The COVID-19 Winter Support Grants scheme is administered by Clinks on behalf of Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and the Ministry of Justice. 

The funding is intended to support voluntary organisations in England and Wales who support people in prison, leaving prison, under license in the community, or serving a community sentence, to continue to work in the context of the COVID-19 crisis or to make adaptations for their long-term work that are necessary due to the effects of COVID-19.

Co-operative Engagement in Rochdale

Published date: 
Monday, 14th December 2020

Co-operative Engagement is Rochdale’s approach to collaborating with people, communities and the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector when a change is happening or we face a challenge.

At Action Together, we want to radically amplify the voice of local people and get them involved in changing the parts of the system that aren't working. And we know that the knowledge, skills and relationships of the VCFSE sector are the best route to facilitating meaningful engagement with people and communities. 

Heritage Recovery and Resilience Loans

Aims/priorities: Funding is available for not-for-profit organisations that are current or previous recipients of a grant directly from National Heritage Lottery Fund to support activities and costs that will develop and restart their income generating potential. Heritage Recovery and Resilience Loans are long-term investment to support the actions needed to stabilise and modify operations, build organisational resilience, and adapt programmed projects as part of an organisation’s recovery from the impact of coronavirus/COVID-19.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage

Aims/priorities: The funding will continue to support a broad range of heritage projects and activities, such as industrial sites, castles and historic places of worship, to the stories and memories of communities, and through to public parks, natural landscapes and native wildlife.

Until the end of the 2022-23 financial year, the National Lottery Grants for Heritage will give priority to heritage projects that:
