Women’s Health Community Fund - Wellbeing of Women

Aims/priorities: The fund is designed to support small, grassroots organisations and community groups who are directly delivering health information and support to women, girls and people from underrepresented groups. We will fund projects that address the following key points; − Projects that aim to improve information, education and support for menstrual health, related gynaecological conditions e.g. PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, PMDD, and menopause. − Support people and groups that are often underrepresented in mainstream healthcare, information and services, for example people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBTQI+, people living with disabilities, deaf people, blind and partially sighted people, people experiencing homelessness, addiction, people living in areas of economic deprivation.

Who can apply? Eligibility criteria and guidance:

  • Applicants must be based in the UK and be focused on supporting communities in the UK.
  • Applicants must be non-profit, CIC, community or volunteer-led groups. We will not fund commercially driven or public sector organisations.
  • If you are a registered charity or non-profit organisation you must have a UK-based bank or building society account in the name of your organisation.
  • You must have an appropriate safeguarding policy in place.
  • Funds should be used for a series of activities throughout the funding period, as opposed to one large activity.
  • Successful applications will be sent funding terms and conditions to sign before receiving the first instalment.
  • Funds can support existing or new activities, but applicants should consider ongoing sustainability and address this in their application.

Grant amount: Up to £5000

Application process: There are various ways to complete your application process.

Deadline: Sunday 19 May 2024.

Contact information: Contact us

Website: Women’s Health Community Fund - Wellbeing of Women

£1000.01 to £10,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Communities Experiencing Racial Inequalities
Disabled People
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Women and Girls
Unpublish Date: 
Sunday, 19 May, 2024