

BAME Healthy Communities Surviving COVID-19 Fund

Aims/priorities: The aim of the Fund is to enable small and medium sized BAME-led organisations and the communities they support to build wellbeing, resilience, and capacity through a range of projects taking place during the pandemic/post-pandemic period. 

Three different types of grants are available:

Option 1 (Grants of up to £5,000 for organisations with an annual income of under £50,000):

Postcode Dream Trust - Postcode Recovery Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is for impactful and original projects that can demonstrate a clear link to the effects of the pandemic across the following six funding priority areas:

  • Educational inequalities
  • Homelessness
  • Domestic Violence
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Social exclusion and isolation
  • Poverty

Applications where there are other clear benefits to the community will also be considered.

Projects must:

KFC Foundation Community Grants Programme

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to support grassroots organisations providing safe social spaces, mentoring, work, or social skills for young people aged 11 to 25 years old in the UK. Grants are intended for organisations who are empowering young people in the UK to fulfil their potential by providing safe social spaces, mentoring or work, and social skills. The Foundation aims to fund work that helps young people create firm foundations, by addressing their needs through early intervention. 

The funding is intended for projects and activities which:

Disabled People's Organisations - COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support grassroots Disabled Peoples Organisations (DPOs) across the UK to respond to the COVID-19 needs of disabled people.

The term disabled people is used to mean all groups of people with impairments including: people with learning difficulties, people who experience mental distress, people with a visual impairment, deaf people, people who are neuro diverse, people with long term health conditions and people with physical impairments. 

Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants

Aims/priorities: The Fund supports legal work to promote the rights of vulnerable migrant children and young adults. The grants are for strategic legal work where the impact is likely to go beyond an individual case, and result in changes to law, policy and practice that benefit a wider group of people.

The SLF funds strategic legal work in any area of law where vulnerable young migrants experience disadvantage or discrimination as a result of migration status.

The SLF defines vulnerable young migrants as follows:

The ScottishPower Foundation

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to registered charities in the UK for projects that support education, environmental protection, arts, culture, heritage, science, poverty and disability relief, citizenship and community development. Applications must address at least one of the ScottishPower Foundation's strategic aims:

Youth Music Programme

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to a range of organisations for music projects in England that increase the number of children and young people across England who have the opportunity to take part in high-quality musical activities, particularly those who are experiencing challenging cirumstances and who face barriers to music making. The Foundation currently offers two levels of funding:

Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust - Round 4

Aims/priorities: The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust offers funding to UK registered charities whose work takes place in the UK and directly supports the theme selected by the Trustees for that year. The field of interest this year is 'Music and the arts; people aged 60 and over'. In particular, it will support projects that focus on the many complex issues that have arisen from the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic that address the specific needs of people aged 60 and over.

True Colours Trust - Small Grants UK - COVID-19 Support

Aims/priorities: The funding aims to help smaller organisations to adapt and continue to deliver their vital services in light of coronavirus/COVID-19 in order to support families in the short to medium term. This may include normal running costs of programmes which are resuming, or adaptations to existing services to allow them to take place safely. Proposals for the following areas of work will be considered, in no particular order:
