

Made By Sport Fund

Aims/priorities: Funding is available for organisations operating mostly in disadvantaged communities, often working collaboratively with other partners to meet local need and may offer cross-sector activities.

Specifically, they will fund clubs and organisations which can demonstrate that they are using sport to work towards one or more of the following outcomes:

Cruach Trust

Aims/priorities: The Cruach Trust is a small Scottish charity, which likes to make a difference with its donations. Firstly, the trust provides financial support for gardeners, retired gardeners and for preserving gardens throughout the United Kingdom.  Then the trustees also have discretion to make donations to a wide range of organisations in the UK and abroad, with charitable objectives of whatever nature.

Who can apply? Registered or recognised charities, societies, trusts or other bodies.

Grant amount: Not specified

Victoria Wood Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Victoria Wood Foundation was set up following the death of comedian Victoria Wood in 2016.  The Trustees are former friends of Victoria and are interested in supporting areas that would have interested her, namely the arts, in all forms.

Who can apply? Arts organisations and groups in the UK are welcome to apply. 

Grant amount: Up to £5,000

Application process: Applications should be made in writing via the contact form on the Victoria Wood Foundation website.

Stop Loan Sharks Community Fund

Aims/priorities: Community organisations, charities and groups are encouraged to apply for grants of up to £5,000 from the England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) for projects to help tackle loan sharks. Collaborative bids between multiple agencies are also welcome. The funding comes from money seized from convicted loan sharks under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA).

Thomas Wall Trust: Grants for Registered Charities

Aims/priorities: The grant programme aims to support people with an emphasis on building confidence, knowledge and skills, and therefore increasing prospects of employment. They offer grants up to £5,000 towards specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills for learning that are likely to assist employment prospects. The Trust recognises that the future of the labour market will become increasingly competitive, with employers placing greater emphasis on transferable skills. 

Comic Relief & National Emergencies Trust: The Global Majority Fund

Aims/priorities: Comic Relief and National Emergencies Trust’s The Global Majority Fund, distributed by the Muslim Charity Forum, makes grants of up to £10,000 to registered charities or CICs with an annual income under £500,000. Applicants must be organisations that are led by individuals from and/or focused on communities experiencing racial inequality and the emergency needs within these communities within the UK.

To be eligible, organisations must also be working under one or more of the following themes:
