

Weston Charity Awards

Aims/priorities: The Awards aim to celebrate and support charities working in the fields of youth, welfare and community, and to enable charities to develop, raise their profiles, become more sustainable and face the future with greater confidence.

Who can apply? Registered charities in Wales and the North and Midlands of England that are ambitious and working to alleviate disadvantage in one or more of the following fields can apply:

Suicide Prevention Fund 2021 to 2022

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support suicide prevention VCSE organisations and groups to meet the increased need or demand for services, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and enhance service provision, with a particular focus on high-risk groups.

High-risk groups are defined in the latest progress report of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy as those who were already at a higher risk of suicide, as well as those for whom there is particular concern in the context of the pandemic.

These include:

Asylum Refugee and Migration Service (ARMS)

Published date: 
Thursday, 2nd December 2021

At least 27 refugees and asylum seekers have died trying to cross the English Channel after their dinghy deflated and sank in the worst disaster on record involving migrants in the sea

If anyone calls you saying they can’t contact their family member(s) and they think they were on that boat, please check that they’ve attempted to make contact with them today (by phone, social media etc).

Peer Support Forum for Peer Support Facilitators

Published date: 
Tuesday, 30th November 2021

IMHN are hosting a peer support forum for peer support facilitators to come together and discuss challenges & best practice.

About the event:

The forum will be a space to discuss any thoughts and experiences of running peer support. They will discuss the challenges we can all face, as well as our hopes and vision for peer support. They hope that the forum will serve as a space where you can all learn from and support, each other to develop best practice and hopefully leave reinvigorated and inspired.

Rosa's New Rise fund

Aims/priorities: This funding is intended for specialist organisations led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls in the UK so that they are in a stronger position to survive, thrive and grow into the future. Applicants need to be working across Rosa’s four pillars of work:

Your Best Friend (small grant)

Aims/priorities: Funding is intended to help young people get honest, practical information which may help to keep themselves and their friends safe from toxic relationships or get them to safety. Projects must:

  • Increase understanding about healthy, unhealthy and toxic relationships.
  • Give young people the knowledge and confidence to know how to keep their friends safe.

Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from the following types of organisation in England and Wales:

Your Best Friend (large grant)

Aims/priorities: Funding is intended to help young people get honest, practical information which may help to keep themselves and their friends safe from toxic relationships or get them to safety. Projects must:

  • Increase understanding about healthy, unhealthy and toxic relationships.
  • Give young people the knowledge and confidence to know how to keep their friends safe.

Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from the following types of organisation in England and Wales:

Your Best Friend (small grant)

Aims/priorities: Funding is intended to help young people get honest, practical information which may help to keep themselves and their friends safe from toxic relationships or get them to safety. Projects must:

  • Increase understanding about healthy, unhealthy and toxic relationships.
  • Give young people the knowledge and confidence to know how to keep their friends safe

Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from the following types of organisation in England and Wales:
