

Youth Music Emergency Fund

Aims/priorities: Youth Music has announced a new Emergency Fund to offer additional support to music-making organisations affected by coronavirus. Through this fund Youth Music will aim to prioritise the people and organisations in the most immediate need, and to make quick decisions and payments. The Emergency Fund is designed to support organisations facing the following challenges:

The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust

Aims/priorities: The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust has set up a Charity Survival Fund, in response to ongoing concern about Covid-19’s economic impact on charities.  The Fund aims to provide core funding to offset lost income in the current financial year.

Applicants must have an annual income below £5m and have lost or be forecast to lose income due to Covid-19. Charities which have already received Covid-19-related funding from the trust are not eligible.

Les Mills Fund for Children

Aims/priorities: Grants are available to improve the education and physical and emotional wellbeing of children aged 0-16.

Applicants applying for funding should focus on one or more of these areas:

  • Living in Poverty;
  • Physical & Mental Health Problems;
  • Health & Wellbeing;
  • Living With Disability.

Who can apply? Registered charities and accountable non-profit organisations

Grant amount: Grants of up to £1,000 are available

Edward Gostling Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Edward Gostling Foundation (formerly the ACT Foundation) provides grants to UK registered charities with the aim of enhancing the quality of life for people in need, specifically the mentally and physically disabled or those with long-term illness. Applications must address at least one of the four themes of the Foundation:

The Dulverton Trust

Aims/priorities: Applicants should be working to produce significant impact in one of the following priority areas: youth opportunities, general welfare, conservation, preservation, Africa, and peace and humanitarian support. Grant-making will be focused on:

Buttle UK - Chances for Children

Aims/priorities: Grants are targeted at improving the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people and their capacity to engage in education and learning. Due to restrictions placed on the UK population because of COVID-19 Buttle UK they will not be providing funding for leisure activities, family days out, counselling or anything that involves being in the community for the foreseeable future. For the duration of these restrictions the support will focus more on:

The Albert Hunt Trust

Aims/priorities: The trust supports organisations that:

  • Provide hospice care
  • Provide support for the homeless
  • Promote health and wellbeing – areas of support under this heading have included physical and learning disability, physical and mental health and social challenge and deprivation. They look to support organisations in this category with an annual income of below £250,000.

During this unprecedented crisis until further notice they will not be considering grants for capital projects of any nature. 


Aims/priorities: We support organisations who help people who are lonely and isolated, by giving free free TVs, tablets, and radios for clients. This technology is often used in communal spaces or as part of specific projects. For people who are lonely, a simple radio, television, or tablet can feel like a lifeline and we help people who have become lonely through lots of different circumstances. Some of these include:
