Small Charity Week 2024 | Training Feature

Training Support for micro and small organisations

Earlier this year, Action Together launched a new core and enhanced Training Offer for our members.

We are committed to supporting the growth and development of our member organisations, and believe that by investing in the skills and capacity of our workforce, we can create a stronger, more resilient sector that drives positive change and transforms lives.

Our flexible learning opportunities are delivered via a mix of in-person, online, and hybrid training sessions and workshops. You can find our Training Calendar on our website: or take a look through the courses listed here, suitable for small VCSFE groups and organisations:

Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers

A peer support service involves individuals with similar experiences or backgrounds providing support and assistance to one another. This type of support is often based on shared personal experiences and a sense of mutual understanding. This session is aimed at anyone interested in implementing peer support initiatives or acting as a peer mentor/supporter. You’ll learn about the benefits, and challenges of providing peer support.

Date/time: Tuesday 25 June, 10am-2pm.
Location: Lighthouse Project, Middleton Shopping Centre, Limetrees Road, Middleton M24 4EL.
More info/register:

Peer Mentoring

A peer support service involves individuals with similar experiences or backgrounds providing support and assistance to one another. This type of support is often based on shared personal experiences and a sense of mutual understanding.

This session is aimed at anyone interested in implementing peer support initiatives or acting as a peer mentor/supporter. You’ll learn about the benefits, and challenges of providing peer support.

Date/time: Thursday 27 June, 10am-2pm.
Location: Tameside Venue TBC.
More info/register:


Risk Assessment Training

This course will help groups and organisations to identify, assess, mitigate, and manage risks effectively. The course will cover: Introduction to Risk Management, Types of Risks Faced by Small Charities, Methods of identifying and mitigating risks, Managing Incidents, and Complying with the law.

Date/time: Monday 1 July, 10am-12pm.
Location: Online via Zoom.
More info/register:


Safeguarding Adults Level 1 Alerter Training

An introduction to the basics of safeguarding. Learning Objectives include; Understanding you role in responding to concerns, disclosures and allegations of abuse; identifying different types of abuse and describe what constitutes abuse; recognising possible signs and symptoms of abuse and more.

Date/time: Wednesday 3 July, 10am-12pm.
Location: Online via Zoom.
More info/register:


Funding your work | Taking a Strategic Approach

Delivered by Alan Lawrie, an experienced management consultant and author of five books on different aspects of managing voluntary organisations. Securing the necessary funding for your organisation is hard work. This course outlines key trends in funding and how we can develop an effective and sustainable funding strategy. It will also look at how to make a convincing case for support for your organisation.

Date/time: Friday 5 July, 10am-3pm.
Location: Online via Zoom.
More info/register: