Scops Arts Trust

Aims/priorities: The aim of the Trust is to give people of all ages the opportunities to access, participate in and enjoy the arts (particularly the performing arts), and support projects that widen access and have a lasting cultural impact on local communities.

Who can apply? The Trust mostly supports registered charities.

Applications will also be considered from social enterprises, community groups, and other third sector organisations, as long as they are formally constituted and have clear charitable purposes.

Priority will be given to small and medium sized organisations.

Grant amount: Grant awards generally start at a few hundred pounds.

The Trust has previously awarded multi-year grants of up to £30,000 per annum, however applicants are advised that the majority of grants awarded are considerably less than this.

The Trust only awards a small number of grants each year.

Application process: In 2024, following a grant policy review, the Trust will be adopting a new approach where focus will be on a particular area(s) of the performing arts in each of the grants rounds.

The next deadline is 28 May 2024. 

The application process is as follows:

To start the application process, organisations should first take complete the eligibility checks which can be accessed on the Scops Arts Trust website.

Organisations that fulfil the criteria will be invited to make a Stage 1 online application.

A Stage 2 shortlist will then be drawn up and the selected applicants will be invited to complete a Stage 2 online application form.

Deadline: Tuesday 28 May 2024.

Contact information: Email:

Website: Scops Arts Trust - Grant Funding for the Arts

over £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Unpublish Date: 
Tuesday, 28 May, 2024