Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support community organisations that are working with people in society who are experiencing disadvantage - whether through age, education, income, disability or unemployment - to equip them with improved digital and financial literacy skills.
Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from charitable and social enterprise organisations with an annual income above £75,000. Applicants must:
- Be based in the UK and working within one of the nations or regions.
- Be a UK registered charity or Community Interest Company.
- Have at least three unconnected Trustees, Directors or Management Committee members.
- Have a bank account in the organisation's name with at least two unconnected signatories.
- Have been operating for at least 18 months and have at least one set of annual accounts.
Priority will be given to small and medium-sized organisations with an income of less than £2 million.
Grant amount: The programme will provide grants of up to a total of £150,000 per organisation. Grants are for a period of three years. Successful applicants may request differing amounts in each of the three years, with a minimum of £25,000 in any one year.
Application process: Guidance notes and the online application form can be found on the Santander Foundation website
Deadline: 23 September 2022
Contact Information:
Grants Team
Santander Foundation
201 Grafton Gate East
Milton Keynes
Website address: