The Phoenix Way – Children and Youth Round

Aims/priorities: This fund aims to support organisations and groups that are working with Black and racially minoritised children and young people to prevent or reduce violence in their communities and lives. 

Who can apply? Funding is for not-for-profit groups, organisations, and charities that:

  • Are led by representatives of and work within Black and/or racially minoritised communities.
  • Have an annual income of up to £150,000 per year.
  • Are located and work in England and/or Wales.
  • Work with children and young people who are 18 or under from Black and/or racially minoritised communities. 
  • Work with children and young people who are at high risk of becoming involved in violence.

Groups may work with children and young people who are impacted by systemic issues and structural disadvantages, such as those with experience of:

  • The care or youth justice systems.
  • Abusing or misusing substances
  • Abuse, maltreatment, or neglect.
  • Negative educational experiences such as exclusion,
  • Trauma.

Grant amount: Between £50,000 and £75,000 for one year are available.

For this round, youth-led organisations (those with at least 70% of leadership under the age of 30) will also be invited to apply for the Future Phoenix Awards. The Future Phoenix Awards will provide five special awards of £13,000 to youth-led applicants. Youth-led applicants will be asked if they want to enter into a separate decision-making process when they apply. This will not impact their application to the mainstream Phoenix Way funding.

Application process: Guidance notes and an online application form are available from the Ubele Initiative website.

Applicants will be notified of any decisions made by September 2024.

Deadline: Wednesday 3 July 2024 (midnight). 

Contact information: Email:

Website: The Ubele Initiative - The Phoenix Way

over £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Communities Experiencing Racial Inequalities
Children and Young People
Women and Girls
Unpublish Date: 
Wednesday, 3 July, 2024