Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Innovation and Improvement in Health and Care Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding supports the implementation and scaling up of innovative models of health and care that will improve outcomes for people living with serious long-term or life-limiting conditions. Applications may address any area of physical or mental health, physical or learning disability, or end-of-life care.

The Trust is seeking to fund tested models, which are scalable/replicable by other organisations, and where the applicant has a clear road map showing how they intend to secure long-term funding to sustain and expand the model beyond the period that the Trust is being asked to support.

Who can apply? The programme is open to registered and exempt charities in the UK and to NHS organisations. The applicant’s primary activities must focus on the delivery and improvement of health and care.

Applicant organisations must have an annual income of at least £10 million (as recorded in their most recent audited financial statements).

Where an application involves a number of partners, the income threshold of £10 million will apply to the combined annual income of the partners.

If the applicant (or lead applicant of a partnership) is a charity, the organisation must have been registered with the Charity Commission (or equivalent in other parts of the UK) for a minimum of five years, assessed from the deadline for submission of initial Expressions of Interest.

Grant amount: It is anticipated that awards will be in the range of £150,000 to £500,000.

The Trust will not consider applications for awards of less than £100,000.

Funding must be spent within two years from the award date (expected to be in November 2025).

Application process: The fund has reopened for expressions of interest.

There is a three-stage application process:

  • Stage one - Expressions of interest (EOI) are to be submitted using the template provided on the Trust’s website. The deadline for submitting EOIs is 15 November 2024. EOIs will be assessed during November/December, and projects that are considered potentially fundable will be invited to submit a second-stage application.
  • Stage two – Organisations who were successful at stage one will be invited to submit a preliminary proposal by the deadline of 28 February 2025. 
  • Stage three - Applicants whose proposals are shortlisted by the Trustees will be invited to make a full application by 29 August 2025.

Application guidelines can be found on the Sir Jules Thorn Trust website.

Deadline: Friday 15 November 2024.

Contact information: Email:

Website: Innovation and Improvement in Health & Care -Sir Jules Thorn Trust

over £25,000
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 15 November, 2024