Legal and General Health Equity Fund

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support place-based projects that address the social determinants of health (SDH): non-medical social and economic factors, such as housing, education, infrastructure, or quality of work. These factors create and shape the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work, and age, but they are not always equitable.

The funding is for not-for-profit organisations with projects or ideas for projects to be delivered in regions and communities in the UK.

There is particular interest in proposals that can demonstrate:

  • Local impact on reducing health inequality, addressing under-served communities.
  • Potential to scale up and be replicated nationally.
  • Potential to become financially sustainable in the medium term.
  • Particularly innovative approaches.
  • Initiatives which can demonstrate local support and key stakeholder engagement (including support from Local and / or Combined Authorities).

Who can apply? Applications will be considered from charities, social enterprises, community interest groups, NHS Trusts or primary care organisations, universities and academic organisations.

Grant amount: A total of £2 million is available for UK wide projects with grants of up to £75,000 per project.

Application process: The first step in the application process is to register to be a member of the Health Equity Network.

Once registered, applicants will be able to access the online Expression of Interest form which has a deadline of 6 September 2024.

The EOI form will be reviewed by a panel. Successful applicants will be invited to complete a more detailed application form.

Deadline: Friday 6 September 2024.

Contact information: Email:

Website: The Health Equity Network

over £25,000
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 6 September, 2024