The Fore

Aims/priorities: The Fore provides unrestricted grants to small charities and social enterprises based in the UK.

The funding is intended to have a transformational impact on the organisations being supported by unlocking exponential growth, sustainability, efficiency or some other major step forward.

There is particular interest in grassroots organisations working with underserved communities.

The grants are viewed by the Fore as investments in the organisations it supports.

The Fore funds work across the following charitable sectors:

  • Arts and culture
  • Disability
  • Economic development and employability
  • Environment
  • Health and well being
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Human rights, law and justice
  • Poverty and disadvantage
  • Sport
  • Women and girls
  • Youth and education.

Who can apply? Applications are accepted from the following types of organisation with an annual revenue of less than £500,000 in the previous completed financial year:

  • Registered charities (including those constituted as charitable trusts, charitable unincorporated associations, charitable incorporated organisations and charitable companies limited by guarantee).
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisations.
  • Community Interest Companies (CICs) limited by guarantee.
  • Community Benefit Societies.
  • Social enterprises that are charitable companies limited by guarantee

Grant amount: Up to £30,000 which may be spread over one to three years are available.

In addition, non-financial support such as access to a network of skilled, pro-bono volunteers, online training workshops and seminars are available to successful charities for life.

Application process: The Autumn 2024 funding round will open for registration at 12pm (midday) on Wednesday 24 July 2024 and close at 12pm (midday) on Wednesday 31 July 2024 with confirmation of place on funding round on 1 August 2024. Funding decisions for this round expected in December 2024.

Once open for registration, the application process is as follows:

  • The first step is to register an interest on the Applying for Funding page which takes about two to three minutes.
  • Registered applicants will receive confirmation that they have been allocated a place on the funding round. Details of how to apply will be included.
  • If there are more applicants registered than places available, places will be allocated at random.
  • There follows a three-stage application

Stage 1 - confirmed applicants have around three weeks to complete their application.

Stage 2 – online meeting for long listed applicants who are invited via email for a meeting with one of the Fore’s Strategic Applicant Consultants.

Stage 3 – shortlisted applications go to the funding panels.

  • Announcement of successful applicants is typically within 12 weeks of the application deadline.
  • Unsuccessful applicants are offered feedback and can apply for future rounds.

The eligibility quiz, guidelines, frequently asked questions and case studies can all be found on The Fore’s website.

Deadline: Wednesday 31 July 2024, 12pm. 

Contact information: Email:

Website: The Fore

over £25,000
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Disabled People
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Sport and Recreation
Women and Girls
Unpublish Date: 
Wednesday, 31 July, 2024