GMCA Shaping Care Fund

Aims/priorities: Grants to support Greater Manchester based VCSE organisations engage with Cared for Children and Care Experienced Young People to give voice to their needs and wants from the care system.

Are you a VCSE organisation working with Cared for Children and/or Care Experienced Young People in Greater Manchester?  Are you interested in supporting young people give their voice to the shaping of the GM’s emerging Regional Care Cooperative (RCC)?

If so, we would like to hear from you. We are looking to fund social economy providers to creatively listen to the views of children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced, the care system and feedback their views to the RCC team.  

The aim of the Shaping Care Fund is to put the voice of children and young people at the centre of shaping the Regional Care Cooperative and inform the direction of future care services. It is important that projects that are successful in receiving this one-off funding demonstrate their capacity to deliver to short timescales and demonstrate their track record and skill set to work with the groups of young people highlighted above.

We will be investing locally within GM, with the Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise(s) (VCFSE) sector to ensure a diverse range of young people are listened to and heard.

Who can apply? The Shaping Care Fund is only open to organisations that meet the criteria below:

Applicant organisations must:

  • · be constituted as voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisation. See this link for a definition of a VCSE organisation.
  • · be based in Greater Manchester or have a strong track record of working with Cared for Children and Care Experienced Young People.
  • · have an organisational bank account with 2 signatories who are not related to each other.
  • · be fully up to date with previous grant reporting to Salford CVS (if applicable).

Grant amount: We anticipate individual applications being in the range of £5,000 - £10,000. However, exceptional proposals in terms of scope, number of beneficiaries and/geographic spread may exceed this figure.

Commissioners welcome such larger proposals for strong, creative projects and for those working in partnership and/or across multiple boroughs of Greater Manchester.

There is no minimum size of award. The total funding available is £40,000.

Application process: Meet the Funder sessions - July 2024

Sign up here and complete the form to book onto an online (via MS Teams) Meet the Funder session to meet a Salford CVS colleague to find out more and ask questions about the Shaping Care Fund.


  • Monday 1st July 3-4pm
  • Monday 8th July 12-1pm

Further details:

Download the Guidance Notes in WORD format or PDF format

Download the Expression of Interest Form in WORD format

Download the Terms and Conditions of Grant Aid in WORD format

Deadline: Monday 15 July 2024, 12 noon.

Contact information: Email or phone on 07756 86818

Website: Shaping Care Fund | Salford CVS

£1000.01 to £10,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Monday, 15 July, 2024