Rewilding Britain - Rewilding Innovation Fund

Aims/priorities: This fund aims to foster new and ambitious community rewilding projects, and to remove barriers to rewilding projects within Britain, whether they’re at the early planning stages or want to move a project one step wilder. Funding will be awarded to projects with potential for the highest impact for people and nature.

Who can apply? To apply for funding, projects must be: 

  • Based in Britain 
  • Part of the Rewilding Network (includes community, private and public landowners, and managers of rewilding areas on the land and at sea).
  • Rewilding at scale (more than 40 hectares) according to Rewilding Britain’s rewilding principles. This can be an individual landholding or a cluster of landholdings. It is recommended that applicants who are rewilding on a smaller scale form a group or network to apply. 

Local groups and networks can also apply for any innovative projects that will help to upscale rewilding.

Previously unsuccessful applicants can reapply for funding in this round.

Grant amount: Up to £15,000 are available. It is expected that most awards will be less than £10,000.

Application process: There is a two-stage application process:

  • Applicants should first become a Rewilding Network member through the online portal on the Rewilding Britain website.
  • Applicants can then submit an online application form. Shortlisted projects will be invited to pitch their project to the steering group in a 10-minute online presentation. 

Guidance notes are available from the Rewilding Britain website.

Deadline: Friday 30 August 2024.

Contact information: Email:

Website: Rewilding Innovation Fund | Rewilding Britain

£10,000.01 to £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 30 August, 2024