Rochdale Communities Fund - Wider Essentials Support Fund


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council’s Public Health team, Action Together is offering small grants of up to £1,000 for VCFSE organisations to provide Wider Essentials to individuals and communities within the Rochdale Borough.

The fund priorities have been co-produced with The Anti-Poverty foundation group facilitated by Action Together. 

Your project could fall within one or more of the following priorities: 

  • Digital Access and Inclusion: Provide laptops, iPads, software, broadband support, and assistance with phone bills.
  • Wellbeing: Offer free mental health and emotional support services and other holistic support services
  • Travel: Cover public transport costs, vehicle repairs, bicycle purchases and fuel expenses.
  • Identification Support: Fund and assist with obtaining passports, driving licenses, and other forms of identification to facilitate access to essential services.
  • White Goods: Provide large pieces of household equipment (such as refrigerators and washing machines)
  • Other essentials: Provide clothing, toiletries, hygiene products, cleaning products etc

While the above priorities reflect key areas identified by the Anti-Poverty Foundation Group, the fund remains open to supporting additional essential needs as they arise.

The funding is to support ongoing, established wider essential support projects being delivered within the Rochdale Borough. We are unable to fund projects that aren’t currently being delivered.

Who can apply:

  • you are a voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) group locally rooted or actively working in the borough of Rochdale; and
  • you are a member of Action Together CIO (you can register for free to become a member here)
  • you are formally constituted.
  • you have a turnover of less than £150,000

Grant amount: Grants of up £1,000 are available.

Application process:

Guidance notes - please read the guidance notes thoroughly before starting to complete the application form. 

Application form 

Please send your completed application form to:

Deadline: Monday 8th July 2024

Please be aware before submitting your application that all projects must be complete by March 2025. 

Contact information: 

For more information, please either call 0161 339 2345 and ask for Hayley Tomlinson or please email:

up to £1000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Cost of Living Crisis
Unpublish Date: 
Monday, 8 July, 2024