Wolfson Foundation

Aims/priorities: The main objective of the Foundation is the funding of capital infrastructure in the following areas:

  • Science and medicine.
  • Arts and humanities.
  • Heritage.
  • Education.
  • Health and disability.

Who can apply? Applications are accepted from organisations and educational establishments in the UK which are registered charities or which have charitable status.

The Foundation accepts applications from the following types of organisation:

  • Charities working with disability.
  • Charities working in mental health.
  • Charities working with older people.
  • Historic buildings and landscapes.
  • Hospices and palliative care organisations.
  • Places of worship.
  • Libraries and archives.
  • Museums and galleries.
  • Performing arts organisations.
  • Public engagement with science organisations.
  • Secondary schools and sixth form colleges.
  • Special needs schools and colleges.
  • Universities and research institutions.

Grant amount: The size of the grants varies across different programme areas. The usual grant ranges are:

  • Charities working with disability funding – £20,000–£75,000.
  • Charities working in mental health funding – £20,000–£75,000.
  • Charities working with older people funding – £20,000–£75,000.
  • Historic buildings and landscapes funding – £15,000–£100,000.
  • Hospices and palliative care organisations funding – £30,000–£125,000.
  • Libraries and archives – £15,000–£100,000.
  • Museums and galleries funding – £50,000–£500,000.
  • Performing arts organisations funding – £50,000–£150,000.
  • Public engagement with science organisations funding – £100,000–£250,000.
  • Secondary schools and sixth form colleges funding – £15,000–£50,000 (for equipment); £15,000–£100,000 (for new build and refurbishment).
  • Special needs schools and colleges funding – £20,000–£75,000.
  • Universities and research institutions – £250,000–£1 million.

The minimum grant available is generally £15,000 (except for universities and research institutions funding which is £100,000).

Application process: There are two funding rounds per year and the Foundation operates a two-stage application process. 

The deadlines for Stage 1 applications are generally 5 January and 1 July each year but these can vary between specific categories, so applicants are advised to check the Foundation's website before applying. (The Secondary schools and sixth form colleges scheme has a slightly different schedule.)

Stage 1 determines whether a project is eligible and applications should be submitted online through the Wolfson Foundation website. Applicants who are successful at stage 1 will be invited to submit a stage 2 application.

Deadline: Monday 1 July 2024.

Contact information: Email: grants@wolfson.org.uk

Website: Funding for places - The Wolfson Foundation

Not specified
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Monday, 1 July, 2024