Rochdale Borough - System Leadership Programme


Leaders, which includes those who do and don’t manage others, provide direction and vision, motivate and inspire others, and help create an environment conducive to success by promoting communication and collaboration. In the context of a complex multi-organisational system, which aims to maintain and improve wellbeing while reducing inequalities and shifting towards more preventative models, leadership is essential.

As such a system, we have a number of workforce leadership offers operating in parallel. These are often effective but take place within, rather than across, organisations.

To achieve our prevention objectives, we need to supplement these existing offers with a system wide prevention leadership offer where colleagues across organisational barriers can learn and collaborate to develop shared, co-produced leadership qualities that our community have identified as important for reducing inequalities and improving prevention.

Rochdale Borough Council are seeking to create a landscape of system leadership in the Rochdale borough, through a training curriculum made in the image of the community it serves. We are looking for a VCFSE organisation, or collaborative, to work with us to co-design, co-produce and deliver a new leadership curriculum. This would reach more, and more diverse leaders, and equip them with the ideas, motivation and skills to lead the system in Rochdale borough.

We require a VCFSE organisation, or consortium, to:

1. Co-produce a place-based prevention leadership curriculum that can be delivered across up to six months, involving people represented in the diagram below.

2. Pilot, and evaluate, the delivery of the system prevention leadership curriculum (we will work with you to identify and recruit participants).

Who can apply:

To be eligible you must be an organisation based in the borough of Rochdale, or have a demonstrable connection to the borough of Rochdale. You must also have a written constitution, or be in the process of writing one.

Your proposal should detail any experience you have in delivering similar work and influencing system change, and explain how you would go about answering the four questions above.

Grant amount: Up to £12,000 is available

Application process:

Please apply for this opportunity by submitting a two page proposal to, including a budget. 

Please click here to read the guidance notes.

Deadline: Friday 24 May 2024

Contact information: 

If you have any further questions, please contact

£10,000.01 to £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 24 May, 2024