Training Calendar 2024/25

Action Together are committed to supporting the growth and development of our member organisations. We believe that by investing in the skills and capacity of our workforce, we can create a stronger, more resilient sector that drives positive change and transforms lives.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Training Calendar for April 2024 - March 2025. With a range of learning opportunities, this calendar is designed to empower and equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive and make a positive impact in our communities.

Expanded Offer
Our new Training Calendar features an expanded range of topics and formats to cater to the diverse needs of our members. From fundraising strategies, volunteer management or digital marketing to governance best practices, there's something for everyone.

Face 2 Face Workshops
We are offering a series of interactive workshops led by experts and experienced practitioners. Learn practical skills, exchange ideas, and connect with peers in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Flexible Learning Options
We understand that flexibility is important, especially with busy schedules and limited resources. That's why our Training Calendar offers a mix of in-person, online, and hybrid training sessions, making it easier to access learning opportunities from anywhere.


Click the button above to download our Training Calendar or scroll down to see our training sessions you can book on to.

We will continue to adapt our offer as new opportunities arise and are always happy to receive feedback and suggestions for new learning opportunities.

Please note - Training session will be available to book at least one month in advance. AUGUST 2024 is now open for booking.
We will keep you updated through regular bulletins via our Training Mailing list.

As we offer this training free to our members, courses are often oversubscribed, so we operate a waiting list.

If you’ve booked but can’t attend, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can offer the place to someone who’s waiting.

By booking a place on one of our free courses, you confirm that you are part of the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector, in Oldham, Rochdale or Tameside.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Find more information below on the sessions and workshops available in our core and enhanced training offer.



Financial Management for Small Groups (Part One)

To provide smaller organisations and groups with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage your finances, ensure financial sustainability, and fulfil your mission.

The session will cover:

- Understanding Financial Basics- terminology, financial statements
- Budgeting and Financial Planning
- Governance and Compliance & Reporting

2 hours online

  • 15 May 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Financial Management (Part Two)

The second Financial Management Session further supports organisations and groups with the more in depth knowledge and skills to ensure financial sustainability, and fulfil your mission.

The session will cover:

- Financial Controls and Risk Management
- Financial Sustainability and Resilience
- Capacity Building and Resources

2 hours online

Getting Started with Funding Applications

This session is aimed at groups who are applying for smaller grants (less than £10k). You may be applying for funding for the first time, or just want to improve the success of your applications.

The session will increase your understanding of funding terminology and provide you with the knowledge to become a funder-ready organisation.

2.5 hours online

  • 9 May 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Click here to watch a a short introductory film about bid writing.

Child Protection Awareness

The aim of this course is to raise awareness of the importance of child protection and to provide the knowledge to recognise, prevent, and respond to child abuse and neglect.

3 hours online or Face-2-Face

Impact & Outcomes

Key aim of the training: To discuss and explore how Impact and Outcome Measurement can best be understood and implemented as a culture within your organisation so clients, staff, volunteers, trustees and funders understand the difference your organisation is making. 

Learning Outcomes: 

- Gain an understanding of ‘why’ Impact and Outcomes are important, and the opportunities that good impact and outcome measurement can bring 
- Discuss and Define the current culture of impact measurement/reflective practice within your organisations 
- Develop an understanding of how to ensure this learning will ‘filter’ to everyone in the organisation and to achieve buy-in
- Examine what is good practice that is appropriate to the size of your organisation 
- Explore what needs to happen to achieve collective buy-in, including barriers to engagement and strategies to overcome it 

2 hours online

Safeguarding Adults Level 1 -  Alerter training

Learning Objectives:

- Describe your specific role in responding to concerns, disclosure and allegations of abuse
- Name the ten different types of abuse and describe what constitutes abuse
- Recognise the possible signs and symptoms of abuse
- List when, how, and to whom to report suspected abuse
- Understand and implement digital safeguarding into your practices

3 hours online or Face-2-Face

  • 25 April 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 3 July 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 15 August 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  •  13 September 2024 via Zoom
  • 23 October 2024 via Zoom
  • 12 November 2024 via Zoom
  • 5 December 2024 via Zoom
  • 28 Jan 2025 via Zoom
  • 7 Feb 2025 via Zoom

Child Protection Level 1


  • To develop an awareness of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people
  • To have a clear idea of what to do if you are worried a child is in danger of suffering serious and significant harm
  • To give staff and volunteers within organisations the opportunity of sharing ideas of best practice for safeguarding children

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Identify their safeguarding role
  • Explore what is meant by safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people
  • Define abuse and neglect
  • Know what to do if they are worried about a child or young person, including the referral process
  • Be aware of safer working practices

3 hours online via Zoom

  • 15 July 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 22 August 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 26 September 2024 via Zoom
  • 11 October 2024 via Zoom
  • 8 November 2024 via Zoom
  • 10 December 2024 via Zoom
  • 29 January 2025 via Zoom
  • 19 February 2025 via Zoom
  • 20 March 2025 via Zoom

Equality & The Law

Understand your responsibilities under equality legislation and gain practical knowledge and skills to navigate legal frameworks, address discrimination and inequality, and foster inclusive environments.

This session will outline the rights and responsibilities of individuals, employers and service providers under equality legislation.

1.5 hours online

  • 26 April 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Data Protection & Cyber Security 1 - For Frontline Staff (Data Handlers)

This training is for people who has regular contact with your organisation’s clients.

It will help them to identify when they are handling personal data, what data is particularly sensitive and how to make sure they use it fairly and within the law.

2 hours online

  • 7 May 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Data Protection & Cyber Security for Managers (Data Controllers)

This training is aimed at decision makers in your organisation – including Board members as well as paid managers.

It will help them to think about whether you have the right policies and procedures in place as well as helping you to check whether you need to register with the Information Commissioners Office.

2 hours online

Emergency First Aid at Work (Delivered by GO! Train & Develop)

This course is designed for those required to assist the certificated First Aider as well as those in lower-risk environments, and where staff can be trained to a competent level in dealing with medical emergencies.

There is no formal assessment, the trainers will assess competency throughout the course.

Blended 3.5 hours Face-2-Face, 3.5 hours online

  • 16 April 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW
  • 24 April 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW
  • 1 May 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW

Maximum 2 places per organisation

Paediatric First Aid (Delivered by GO! Train & Develop)

This course is designed for those working with babies and children and is in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and meet the requirements of Ofsted. Suitable for anyone who works with children.

6 hours Face-2-Face

  • 21 May 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW
  • 4 June 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW
  • 18 June 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW

Maximum 2 places per organisation. Priority will be given to applicants from that area.

How to be an Effective Trustee

For anyone who is considering becoming a trustee or is a current trustee who wants to refresh your understanding of a trustee's roles and responsibilities.

The session will cover:

- Roles & responsibilities
- The Charity Commission
- Getting the most out of meetings
- Dealing with challenges
- Managing risks

2.5 hours online

Click here to watch a short introductory film about the roles and responsibilities of a trustee.

Creating a Fundraising Strategy

Preparing a funding strategy involves careful planning, identification of potential funding sources, and a clear understanding of your organisation's financial needs. This session will provide a step-by-step guide to help you develop an effective funding strategy.

3 hours online

Managing Events

This session will provide you with a comprehensive framework for planning, organising, and executing successful events within your communities.

2.5 hours online

Virtual Facilitation

More of our time is spent online than ever before, so this session will explore techniques, and best methods of effectively facilitate virtual meetings, workshops, and events, ensuring active participation, engagement.

2 hours online

The Power of Promotion

A strong marketing plan can enhance your organisations reputation and attract opportunities, as well as helping you engage with your communities, and amplify your impact through social media platforms.

This session provides an overview of promotion and its relevance to voluntary organisations.

Learn about social media platforms commonly used by voluntary groups, understanding the unique features, audiences, and best practices for each platform and share ideas for developing engaging and relevant content.

2.5 hours online

Collaborative Working

Collaborative working offers numerous benefits for small charities, enabling them to leverage collective strengths, resources, and expertise to achieve shared goals and maximize impact.

The session will explore the key benefits of collaboration in the VCSFE Sector, such as resource sharing, enhanced capacity, stronger advocacy and influence and the potential to access funding.

2.5 hours online

Recruiting & Supporting Volunteers

Volunteers are the backbone of the charity sector. But since the pandemic, the percentage of people volunteering in the UK has decreased.

The rising cost of living has likely exacerbated this, with people having less time and money to spare than they used to. This has made recruiting for this crucial group of people more of a challenge.

A skilled and confident volunteer force can be a key asset and reliable resource in a challenging external environment. They may also users of your services and deserve a minimum standard of support and to feel safe and confident in undertaking your volunteering.

This course will reflect on best practice in attracting and ‘managing’ volunteers.

4 hours Face-2-Face

  • 2 May 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW
  • 16 May 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW
  • 25 June 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW

Recruiting & Supporting Staff

This course is aimed at anyone who is considering recruiting staff or is a new employer. Alternatively, you may already be managing staff but would like to consolidate your practice. 

By understanding the recruitment process, developing strong hiring practices, and implementing supportive strategies for new employees, employers and managers will be better equipped to build a talented and motivated team that contributes to the success of your organisation.

4 hours online or Face-2-Face

Funding your work – Taking a Strategic Approach

Preparing a funding strategy involves careful planning, identification of potential funding sources, and a clear understanding of your organisation's financial needs. This session will provide a step-by-step guide to help you develop an effective funding strategy.

Full Day Face-2-Face

  • 5 July 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW
  • 10 July 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW
  • 16 October 2024 in Oldham 

Report Writing Skills

Report writing skills are essential for effectively communicating information, analysis, and findings in a clear, concise, and structured manner.

Whether you're writing a funders report, research study, or project evaluation, good report writing skills can enhance your ability to convey complex ideas and insights to your audience.

2.5 hours online

Business and Strategic Planning

Delivered by Alan Lawrie, an experienced management consultant and author of five books on different aspects of managing voluntary organisations.

A good strategy unites your organisation, sets out where and how it can make the most impact and makes a convincing case to funders.   This course is packed with ideas, tools and advice to demystify strategy and build a plan that is focused, realistic and compelling.

The course will offer a range of tested techniques designed to produce useful strategic plans.  It looks at how we can develop a clear organisational strategy, set realistic priorities, cost our ideas and ensure that our plans lead to real change.

5 hours Face-2-Face

  • 12 July 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW
  • 1 October 2024 in Rochdale
  • 7 October 2024 in Tameside



Whether advocating for policy change, raising awareness of social issues, or mobilizing support for specific initiatives, this session introduces advocacy and campaigning as tools for creating social change and influencing decision-makers.

You’ll consider different types of campaigns, including issue-based campaigns, legislative advocacy, grassroots organising, and digital advocacy.

3 hours online

Equality & Inclusion- Excellence Beyond Compliance

Understanding your legal responsibilities is the start of a journey to creating inclusive policies, practices, and environments that promote equality and value diversity.

This workshop will look at how we put anti-discrimination beliefs into practice. You’ll explore our obligations to prevent discrimination, promote equality, and provide reasonable accommodations.  

You’ll explore practical strategies for addressing unconscious bias, promoting diversity in recruitment, and fostering inclusive leadership, delivered tthrough a combination of interactive learning activities, in a friendly and non-judgmental environment.

3 hours Face-2-Face

Peer Mentoring

A peer mentoring service involves individuals with similar experiences or backgrounds providing support and assistance to one another. This type of support is often based on shared personal experiences and a sense of mutual understanding. Peer support can be beneficial in various contexts, such as mental health, addiction recovery, chronic illness, and more.

During this session you’ll learn about the benefits, and challenges of providing peer support.

This session is aimed at anyone interested in implementing peer support initiatives or acting as a peer mentor/ supporter.

4 hours Face-2-Face

  • 6 June 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW
  • 10 June 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW
  • 27 June 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW

Being Trauma Informed

It has become clear that many of the “symptoms” and problems that bring people in touch with support services, have their roots in prior experiences of trauma, abuse, or neglect.

A Trauma Informed service is responsive to the impact of trauma, focusses on safety and creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control.

Organisations that have implemented trauma informed practices have been able to evidence reductions in self-injurious behaviour, crisis interventions and improved engagement and outcomes for individuals.

 This course is open to anyone and will provide you with an understanding of the process and impact of trauma and share simple techniques for working in a trauma informed way.

3 hours Face-2-Face

  • 20 May 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Risk Assessment

To help groups and organisations to identify, assess, mitigate, and manage risks effectively.

- Introduction to Risk Management
- Types of Risks Faced by Small Charities
- Methods of identifying and mitigating risks
- Managing Incidents
- Complying with the law

2.5 hours online

Other Learning Opportunities

As well as the listed events, we’ll be adding more sessions throughout the year, delivered by experts.

We’ve already included some sessions that we think enhance our core training offer, and we’ll continue to identify opportunities for learning together.

Leadership Development Programme Part One

This is the first of a series of Leadership Development workshops that we will be delivering this year.

You don’t have to be a manager to attend. This first session will introduce the programme and what to expect.

The only constant in our sector is change, so this session aims to prepare you to effectively lead your teams through periods of change and uncertainty.

By understanding the dynamics of change, developing strong leadership competencies, and implementing effective change management practices, participants will be better equipped to navigate transitions, inspire confidence, and drive positive outcomes.

2.5 hours online

Motivational Interviewing Techniques

Motivational Interviewing is a person-centred directive counselling style, developed in 90’s in Addiction services, but the core principles are now used in all settings, when trying to encourage positive change.

This session will look at how adopting some simple talking methods can help people start to make the changes they want. It’s open to anyone who is interested.

2.5 hours online

Deaf Awareness

Many people are not aware of the difficulties in communication faced by those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Understanding and resolving these issues can be key to preventing frustration and isolation, helping to create a workplace that is inclusive for all.
This training is delivered by WealdBSL, who have an in-depth knowledge of deaf and disability issues.

This course will explore the following areas:

- What is Deaf Awareness and why do we need it?
- Different Communication methods
- Overcoming barriers in communication, including Do’s and Don’ts
- Sign Language Interpreters – who are they and how do they work?
- Usher Syndrome
- Language Deprivation and Hearing Privilege
- Potential solutions to barriers that may arise. 
- BSL Act 2022

3 hours online

12 Dialogues - Working with Young Men and Boys 

Men At Work’s innovative, internationally recognised ’10 DIALOGUES’ training and resource package is aimed at helping those working directly with boys and young men to facilitate constructive engagement with them, about issues that matter - being safe and safe to be around.

Full day online

  • 3 May 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 16 July 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW

Every Story Counts - Lived Experience Workshop

People with lived experience bring that experience with them when they join your organisation. This workshop will help you to explore ways of working with people with lived experience, through participation, engagement, and co-production.

The workshop delivered by Kate Fraser, Head of Prisons and Co-production for the national charity Women in Prison.

3 hours Face-2-Face

  • 11 June 2024 in Tameside - BOOK NOW
  • 13 June 2024 in Oldham - BOOK NOW
  • 19 June 2024 in Rochdale - BOOK NOW

Nature Connectedness Training Workshop

The facilitator will introduce you to methods of using creative and mindful approaches to boost the wellbeing of yourself and people you support, using evidence-based techniques to connect with nature.

The workshop includes:

- An introduction to the evidence and research around nature connectedness
- A facilitated practical activity to connect with nature indoors/outdoors/in urban or rural settings
- Overview of the benefits of connecting with nature using images, natural objects, a view from the window or on a screen
- An overview of a simple, quick activity for every-day nature connection outdoors in urban and rural settings.

Full day Face-2-Face

Women at Work

This workshop explores how to break barriers for women in the workplace, and how to provide effective support. You will consider how to create inclusive policies that balance legislation with practical realities, and protecting the rights and dignity of women in your organisation.

3 hours Face-2-Face

Introduction to Social Enterprise

This is a pair of complementary webinars delivered via Zoom by Mantle, leaders in ethical business practices.

The webinars will be providing a high-level overview of the foundations of establishing a social enterprise and fostering resilient, sustainable, and ethically sound businesses and are aimed at pre-incorporation or very early-stage social enterprises.

3 hours Online

Webinar 1 - What is Social Enterprise, and How are They Governed?

  • 11 July 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 7 November 2024 via Zoom
  • 15 January 2025 via Zoom
  • 13 March 2025 via Zoom

Webinar 2 - Overview of Legal Structures for Social Enterprises (We advise you to attend part one before booking)

  • 17 July 2024 via Zoom - BOOK NOW
  • 13 Nov 2024 via Zoom
  • 23 January via Zoom
  • 19 March via Zoom