Rochdale Borough Holiday Activities & Food Programme 2021

Aims/Priorities: This funding has been made available by Rochdale Council to enable local groups to provide holiday activities including food to children eligible for free school meals in Rochdale.  This is part of the Government programme which has provided healthy food and enriching activities to disadvantaged children since 2018 and is now being expanded across the whole of England. 

The aim of this fund is to make the positive benefits of holiday clubs available to all those on benefits related free school meals for at least four hours a day, four days a week for six school holiday weeks of the year. For now, we are only inviting applications to cover a minimum of four days and a maximum of 4 weeks (16 days) of provision during the 2021 Summer school holiday. 

We are seeking to fund a diverse range of projects and enrichment activities which are attractive and engaging for all ages and abilities of school children and include nutritious food. Activities can be open to all children with priority given to those receiving benefits-related free school meals. Those not on free school meals can pay to attend if there are sufficient spaces. Spaces for children on free school meals will be made available at no cost to the family.

The holiday projects we wish to fund will help achieve the following outcomes for children –

1. to be more active during the school holidays;

2. to eat more healthily over the school holidays;

3. to take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character, and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment;

4. to be safe and not to be socially isolated;

5. to have greater knowledge of health and nutrition; and

6. to be more engaged with school and other local services.

Who can apply? This fund is open to the voluntary sector, schools and private providers who can meet the charitable objectives of the programme.

Amount: The size of the grant you can apply for depends on how many targeted children you are able to provide for together with the type of provision that is on offer. Provision can be in one place or many depending on your capacity and demand.  Applications will be accessed on value for money.  

How to apply? Online application

Complete and submit the online application form by clicking the link below:

HAF Funding Application: Summer 2021

If you are struggling to complete the form please contact

Deadline: Friday 11th June 2021

For more information and guidance, please click here.

Not specified
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Unconstituted Group
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 11 June, 2021